Session 9: The Sequoia Barrens Report Report in Night City - Die Chrome | World Anvil
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Session 9: The Sequoia Barrens Report

General Summary

The crew is up before dawn to raid the Montakota. A transport ship was provided for the crew, which was also loaded with some requested arms and gear. During the trip out, the crew flies over the Sequoia Barrens, the remains of the forest.   Upon landing, the crew made their way up the mountain pass coming across multiple dead and decayed bodies. From one of the bodies the team pulled an ID implant that would identify them as a member of the Montakota.   Farther up the trail, the team encountered two unmanned flying drones. Using the ID did not prevent them from engaging the team, and Hector used the provided Stinger to shoot down one of the drones. Gene hacked the other and took control of the unit.   As the team approached the fallen Montakota ship, the team loaded the program given to them by the Quartermaster of the Judith onto the drone and sent it back to the Montakota to dock. After a few moments, a large automaton began to break its way out of the door of the ship.   As the crew entered the Montakota, the voice of the Quartermaster boomed from the automaton to inform the crew that she was unable to access the full system, but could still control the systems if she could get the automaton to the bridge of the ship.   Before the crew can get out of the power room, additional automatons begin to attack by drilling a laser through the door. Kane, the automaton, and Riley all work to prevent the automatons from entering through the door, including Riley throwing a wrench.   While stuck in the room, Doug began to read through the power manual. After a few attempts, he finally found the main security system power train. With some help from Kane, the team was able to pull the circuit breaker for the security systems and disable the automatons and autocannons.   After disabling the security systems, the crew is able to get to the bridge, and disable all of the anti air defenses.   The transport ship is able to land, and load up the required goods.

Rewards Granted

  • Captain Lock Box (Inside is information and effects of Captain Lionel Pershing.)
  • Captains Log
  • Captain Vid Tablet
  • Blank USSF ID inserts (x14)
  • Power Core (2000)
  • Gryo Coordinating Calibration System (3000)
  • 4 Dimensional Astrolabe (8000)
  • Ammo Crate (1000)
  • Functional Drones (1500)
  • Captains Logs (10000)
  • 100 Doses of drug supplies.
  • 2 prosthetic arms and legs
  • Drug Analyzer
  • Militech Avenger Pistol
Live Large, Love Fast, Die Chrome Tour
Virgil "Rogue" DuPont
Sylar Windspeak
Report Date
08 Jul 2020

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