Hydaelyn Character in Nibiru | World Anvil
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Hydaelyn is the goddess of protection, Family, and Justice. Having shielded the world from the great cataclysms, she has become silent and has directly impacted the world less since. She and her followers continue to espouse the ideas of family, defending the defenseless, and providing justice for those who can not. There are rumors that she is also the god of magic.  


Hydaelyn and her followers wish to protect civilization and its people, even to their detriment. She expects his followers to obey all just laws, but not those which are ridiculous, unenforceable, or hurt the weak. While she is also a great proponent of peace, she also pushes the idea that sometime a sword with a just hand is needed to achieve this. She advocates doing what is right within the law but allows her followers to go around it when needed but must take responsibility for those outcomes. Her followers range from Lawful Good to Lawful Neutral.  

Appearance & Personality

Hydaelyn appears as a tone adult women, clean, adult Human women with red hair wearing a golden full-plate. Hydaelyn is often depicted possessing a sword and shield. On that shield is a depiction of a sun with a full moon in the middle. In a common myth, Hydaelyn when dispensing justice assumes the form of a ghostly Human woman with silver hair, skin as pale as a full moon, and a dark as night full-plate armor.   Hydaelyn shows kindness and care towards the world she created, feels threatened by the evilness with, and sees the adventurer as her warrior who will bring justice world. Her light side, speaks in a soft, gentle voice, never venting negative emotions. While her dark-side, speaks loudly, in a harsh voice, full of emotion.  

Church of Hydaelyn

  The Church of Hydaelyn is assertive and vigilant in helping those in need and protecting Civilization. Many of its followers are actively involved in the military. In fact, the threat of the Tsuki invasion gave the church a purpose— to defend the realm from a tyrannical leader who wish to concur bordering small cities. Overtime the church have become less active in the combat part of the military but more in its governance.  


  Personal cleanliness as well as an honorable demeanor are both very important for her followers,who are known for their sense of justice, swordcraft, statesmanship, and their desire to bring "civilization" to those "without it". Adventurers who honor Hydaelyn sometimes wear a narrow gold with black or black and white chasuble.   Many smaller people are treated unjustly on Nibiru, or are kept as slaves. Nevertheless, some of these oppressed people believe in justice and often worship Hydaelyn  


  Certain dedicated worshipers of Hydaelyn perform daily obediences in order to receive a divine blessing known as a boons from their god. Hydaelyn obedience takes the form of a ritual in which the worshiper lays a shield on the ground in front of him with the goddess' holy symbol in there hand. He then prays for guidance and protection, while promising to follow her teachings. When performed correctly, the ceremony is said to instill preternatural skills in diplomacy and knowledge.  


  Her priests are composed of clerics and paladins, who perform an hour of prayer a day, in addition to a weekly public worship service. Their formal raiment includes a white cassock with gold or black trim, while on non-festival days they dress in similarly colored, if less ostentatious, clothing.  

Temples and shrines

  The temples of Hydaelyn function as both a church and living space for her holy knights and sick. Temples are often painted white and feature arched entrances, pillared courtyards, fountains, and statues.  

Holy texts

  Her holy text is called the Pillars of Light, or more often just the The Pillars, and recounts the 11 act she performed during the cataclysm to protect the people.  

Holy sites

  One of Hydaelyn's best known and most important temples is the First Church of protection in Cacot, rumored to be the site where she raised her shield to protect the people.  


  Hydaelyn's has two holidays, one on the 21st of Needfest and the other on the 21 Riseson. These are the shortest and longest days of light in the year.  

Favored animals

  Gods are often associated with certain animals, either because they possess a quality favored by the god, or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to them. Hydaelyn's favored animal is Reindeer and migratory birds.
  • The Light Shield
  • Battle Madien
Areas of Concern:
  • Protection, Family, Justice
  • Healers
  • Mothers
  • Warriors
  Alignment: Lawful Good Personality: Stoic, slow to anger but scary when she does   Weapons: Shield and sword   Symbol: Sun with a moon on the inside
Divine Classification

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