Ngiachpaun Geographic Location in Ngiachpaun | World Anvil
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Ngiachpaun is an Earth-sized planet orbiting 2 suns. While most of the non-mountainous regions of the planet are considered far too harsh for human life, the planet is inhabited by a number of species, flora, fauna, and civilizations. The native species have adapted to this harsh planet they call home and live in comfort.


25,000 mi
One massive supercontinent snaking around the world. There are scattered small islands, but the main landmass is one large continent.
Highest Peak
A few small oceans, nothing like the scale of Earth. Ngiachpaun is <50% ocean.
There are 2 suns, which leads to the hotter temperatures.
Generally hotter than Earth, with the hotter areas of the planet reaching over 200F. No ice caps, icy and colder areas being isolated to the tall mountains. Most of the world is tropical climate, aside from northernmost and southernmost areas and mountains.

Temperature range:

  • In the large mountains and surrounding forests: -18F - 38F
  • Northern/Southernmost regions: -20F - 70F
  • In deserts and tropical extremes (equator like area): 104F - 250F
  • Tropical areas: 70F - 178F
  • Temperate Areas: 34F - 68F


  • Desert and savanna areas: 0-20 in/cycle
  • Tropical areas: 93 - 200 in/cycle
  • Equator-like areas/surrounding tropical area - 182 - 300 in/cycle
Location under

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