Gethrem Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Gethrem is one of the gods worshiped by the mortal people of Nexus. They are the god of growth, travel, transformation, aging, and change.  

Teachings and Values

To grow is to live, and to stagnate is to die. Anything which starts in one form and gradually changes to another—seed to tree, infant to elder, caterpillar to butterfly—is associated with Gethrem. However, their portfolio extends beyond the life cycle to include almost any sense of going from start to finish: a journey from one place to another, personal growth over time, or even the refinement of an artisan's craft.   Due to the sacredness of growth and development, it is considered an affront to Gethrem to block, hinder, or interfere with such processes without due cause. Stamping out the growth of something toxic is one thing, but preventing someone or something from flourishing is taboo. Furthermore, to corrupt growth—such as twisting plants into foul creatures with dark magic, or steering impressionable people into dark life paths—is outright blasphemy against Gethrem.  

Social Roles

As one might expect, Gethrem is popular among those who cultivate or travel for a living: farmers, breeders, and gardeners all pray for healthy growth; adventurers, pilgrims, traveling merchants, sailors, and nomadic communities all seek blessings for their travels. Additionally, institutions of learning or other personal guidance often venerate Gethrem as well.   In some cases, people with relatively static lives might (if their means allow) take a traveling sabbatical or even relocate their business or livelihood to a new city, as an act of piety toward Gethrem and an acknowledgement of the importance of change. Such an event might happen only once or twice within a given individual's lifetime, but it's far from unheard of, and is commonly referred to as a "Gethremite journey."

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