Hybrid Profession in Next Battle | World Anvil
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A Hybrid is not so much a fighter type, but rather a whole new class of Fold dweller. They have very high energy potential, but also incredible control of their energy. They almost break the limitations established by the Ancient Power Influencers. Almost. Their status lies somewhere between associate and fighter. Normally for an associate to execute a fighter program, they must reach the rank of Expert or Master depending on requirements and the strength of their bonds to other associates or fighters. Fighters almost never get associate programs outside of mundane ones like portal control, due to the fine control demands, despite negligible energy costs.   Hybrids can do odd things, like partaking in competition without a trainer. Without bonds though, they level very slowly at these events. They can also be a pain for trainers to control by choosing to ignore commands while competing, something a normal fighter can't do. Some can't even be bond to a controller, since they are too far down the associate spectrum, but they can't become powerful specialists either, due to weak bonds to those of Expert or Master rank.   They do have some strengths though. Some Hybrid associates manage to become deadly self-trained Competitors , capable of taking those abilities to the solid realm. Hybrid fighters can multitask, EG, a Druid can slowly cultivate while the trainer fights for them. A recognized Hybrid is even allowed to have multiple professions, making them valuable for rounding a out team. A select few become Specialist/Fighter Hybrids of extreme power.   They have a rough road ahead of them, but they still have incredible potential if they build the right network or find the right trainer.



To be classified as a Hybrid, a person must be able to execute programs of both a fighter and associate. The degree of either doesn't actually matter.
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Cover image: by F.M. Favinger


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