Xenoplague Condition in Nexarium Arcanis | World Anvil
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The Xenoplague is a formidable disease that arose in the wake of widespread interspecies interactions in the galaxy.

Transmission & Vectors

The Xenoplague is primarily transmitted through direct contact with infected bodily fluids, which can occur during combat, medical procedures, or other close interactions between species. The pathogen can cross species barriers due to its unique adaptive capabilities, which allow it to rewrite its genetic code to infect a wide range of terrestrial and extraterrestrial beings.


The cause of the Xenoplague is rooted in the genetic tinkering that occurred during the age of interstellar expansion. The mingling of disparate DNA from various species, coupled with the unintended consequences of advanced biological experiments, gave rise to a new pathogen capable of harnessing and mutating genetic material from different organisms to propagate itself.


The symptoms of the Xenoplague are varied and often mimic other diseases, making early detection difficult. Initial signs include fever, chills, and malaise, which quickly escalate to more severe conditions such as multisystem organ failure, neurological impairment, and aggressive autoimmune responses. As the disease progresses, victims may exhibit exotic symptoms unique to their genetic interactions with the pathogen, ranging from bioluminescent rashes to the growth of foreign tissue structures.


Advanced medical facilities in the galaxy are engaged in a desperate race to develop a cure, experimenting with gene therapy, aggressive antiviral drugs, and nanite-based medical technologies to combat the plague.


Prevention of the Xenoplague is challenging due to its adaptive nature and ability to lie dormant. Quarantine measures, rigorous decontamination protocols, and strict controls on interspecies interactions are the most effective preventative measures. Treatment options are limited and often tailored to the individual's genetic makeup and progression of the disease.
Chronic, Acquired


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Mar 20, 2024 18:43

This is an interesting concept for a disease, have you thought about a cure for it, or will it remain deadly?

Mar 20, 2024 18:52 by Sergio Lourenço

I haven't yet devised a cure. The concept of the Xenoplague encompasses a broad range of conditions rather than a singular disease. Essentially, the Xenoplague refers to any illness that arises from interacting with alien species. This variability makes it challenging for genecrafters and medicians (the scientists and medics in this context) to develop a cure, at least for the time being.