Acaronian Species in Nexarium Arcanis | World Anvil
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Society and Structure of the Acaronian Empire: The Acaronian are a powerful race of Arcane wielders, born harboring a deep conection with the dark arcana, every Acaronian can become a Draethar of powerful skill   Technology and Advancement: While the Acaronians do not prioritize technological innovation, they have perfected the art of dark energy manipulation, creating formidable weapons and defenses that fuse technology with their own innate arcane abilities.   Arcane Capabilities: Renowned for their dark arcane arts, the Acaronians wield this power with terrifying proficiency. They have an affinity for dark energy manipulation, capable of bending the will of lesser beings and crushing the minds of their adversaries.   Role in the Galaxy: In the galactic theatre, the Acaronians play the part of conquerors and shadow masters. They are the unseen fear, the whispered threat in every political move, leveraging their prowess in the arcane to maintain their grip on power and instill a sense of inevitability about their dominance.   Role within the Empire: The Acaronians are the backbone of the Empire, infusing its structure with their heritage of arcane mastery and governance. They hold the highest seats of power, guiding the Empire's strategies, and enforcing their will through a mix of fear, manipulation, and genuine respect for their capabilities.  
  • Imperial Councilors: At the top, the Acaronians serve as high councilors, their rule considered almost divine by the common population.
  • Arcane Enforcers: Many of the Acaronian Draethar act as the Empire's enforcers, wielding their dark arcane powers to quell dissent and destroy enemies.
  • Military Leaders: In the Empire's military, the Acaranonian Draethar can be seen as the supreme commanders, strategists, and the architects of their feared war machines and troops.
  Role within the Galactic Alliance Within the Alliance, the very few Acaronians that joined it, play a more nuanced role. Some embrace the Alliance's ideals, seeking to use their power to create a new order, while others operate covertly, aiming to manipulate the Alliance from within.  
  • Diplomats and Advisors: Those who have joined the Alliance are often in roles where they can influence policy and diplomacy, utilizing their charisma and insight to sway decisions.
  • Covert Operatives: Acaronian spies and informants are valuable assets in the Alliance's intelligence community, leveraging their natural abilities to gather crucial information.
  • Veyd Scholars and Researchers: Acaronian arcane knowledge is a double-edged sword, offering advancements and power at the potential cost of ethical compromises. These members of the Veyd are treated with caution, often times having a more formal role than an active one.
  Factionless Acaronians: Not all Acaronians align with the grand ambitions of the Empire or the principles of the Alliance. Factionless Acaronians, either by choice or circumstance, live at the fringes of society or in self-imposed exile.  
  • Rogue Arcanists: Some Acaronians may either reject the political machinations of their species, or be forcefully cast down. Wandering the galaxy as mercenaries or hermits, seeking personal enlightenment or offering their arcane services to the highest bidder.
  • Outcasts and Rebels: Those who have fallen from favor or who reject the Empire's authoritarian rule may lead resistance movements or live as outcasts, constantly evading bounty hunters and assassins, usually having a short life, even in neutral space.
  • Cultural Preservationists: A few dedicate themselves to preserving the ancient ways of their people, fearing that the true essence of Acaronian culture is being lost to power struggles and wars of the Empire. These few Acaronians are usually found on remote worlds trying to build their society from scratch.

Basic Information


Acaronians are a sight to behold, with their towering builds and sinewy, powerful frames designed for combat. Their skin, a canvas of crimson and onyx, is thick and tough, akin to natural armor. Its hue a testament to their name and legacy, Sanguis - the bloodline of the stars. Their faces are adorned with sharp, angular features and often decorated with ritualistic scars and tattoos that signify status and accomplishments.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Acaronian social hierarchy is rigid and deeply rooted in tradition:  
  • The Draethar Lords: At the top, those of the purest bloodlines and most adept in the dark arcane arts.
  • Draethar Elite: Skilled combatants who have proven their worth in several battles, these Draethar may not be entirely Acaronian in DNA, however, are seen with great honor, and will serve as the frontline in wars.
  • The Common Blood: The general populace, who, while not as elevated, still take pride in their heritage and role in society, usually the Acaronian that managed to either join the Draethar Temple, but was un-remarkable or other species accepted within their empire.
  • The Fringe Castes: Those who deal with tasks deemed necessary but unsavory, such as espionage or negotiation with other species, these are often failed Draethar that managed to survive their training, yet are maimed beyond repair.

Facial characteristics

Eyes: Their eyes are a piercing yellow or blood-red, glowing faintly in low light, a reflection of their deep connection to the arcane. Mouth and Jaw: Acaronians have strong jawlines, with pronounced canines indicative of their predatory ancestry, used not only for combat but for ceremonial rituals as well.
Forehead: A prominent ridge runs along their forehead, often marked with intricate tattoos or embedded with jewels or metals that denote rank.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Acaronians are known for their exceptional sensory acuity, particularly in darkness—a feature that allows them to see through deception and into the heart of their adversaries.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are chosen to reflect one's destiny and past glories. A common practice includes adopting titles of vanquished foes or great battles, making each name a story of its own.   A Acaronian name could be "Skal'reth Mavortius", the prefix is derived from an ancient Acaronian word "Skal", which translates to "conqueror" in the Acaronian tongue, signifying the individual's destiny or achievements in battle or manipulation, while "Mavortius" is a name taken after a historic siege on a rebellious planet, Mavor, which the individual led. The suffix "-tius" indicates one who not only survived the great challenge but also thrived, bending the tides of the conflict to their will.

Major Organizations

The Draethar Temples: An elite group of dark arcane practitioners that serve different roles in their society. Usually as generals, lords and warriors, some of the Draethar may be seen as as both advisors to the ruling class and enforcers of their will.   The Ebon Regnorum: The Arcanum Regnorum stands as the central governing body of the Acaronian Empire, second only to the Emperor in authority and reverence. It is composed of the most powerful and cunning arcane wielders in Acaronian society, each member a master of dark energies and political

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Acaronian language, known as Sanguine Lex, is as complex as it is ancient. There are two primary dialects, "Vox Imperium", the refined dialect spoken by the ruling class and in official decrees, characterized by its formality and depth of arcane terminology, and "Serratus Cant", a harsher, more guttural dialect used by the military and lower classes, stripped of the formalities and imbued with battle slang and terms of conquest.


Early Civilization: Bronze Age to First Empire: Initially disparate tribes, the Acaronians' early society was shaped by harsh environments and the need for survival, which fostered a strong sense of community and collective strength. As they learned to harness the arcane energies inherent to Acaron, their civilization rapidly advanced beyond the bronze age, uniting under a series of powerful warlords and arcane practitioners.     The Arrival of Kha'Vith and the Veyd Influence: Kha'Vith's descent into the Acaronian world, while controlling the body of Aunap Apull, a human, marked a pivotal turn in their history. His knowledge of the Veyd and their dark arcane practices enthralled the Acaronians, who were innately drawn to the mystical energies of their planet. Under his guidance, they transitioned from scattered tribes to a centralized arcane society, fostering advancements in dark energy manipulation that far exceeded the natural progression of their species.   The Draethar Temples and the Rise of an Empire: With Kha'Vith as the architect, the Draethar Temples rose as monoliths of power, drawing Acaronians from all corners of their world to bask in their dark splendor. These centers of worship and arcane study became the backbone of the burgeoning Acaronian Empire, with Kha'Vith at its head, revered as the Wraith Emperor.   The Draethar Temples stood not only as places of worship but as bastions of learning, where the most gifted Acaronians honed their abilities in the arcane arts, propelling their empire to technological and mystical heights previously unimagined.   Galactic Expansion and the Obsidian Throne: As the Acaronian Empire's might grew, so did its ambition. Galactic conquest became a mandate, seen as a destiny written in the stars themselves. The Obsidian Throne, the seat of power from which the Wraith Emperor ruled, became a symbol of their unquenchable thirst for expansion and control.   The empire's fleets, armed with ships powered by dark energies and weaponry that could tear the fabric of space, ventured forth, subjugating world after world. The Acaronians were ruthless, believing their strength and arcane prowess gave them the right to rule over the weaker species of the galaxy.   The Obsidian Emperor and the Decline: The reign of the Wraith Emperor saw the empire reach its zenith. However, the eventual confrontation with Tyran Cassel, a Veyd exile, marked the beginning of the end for Kha'Vith's dominion. Banished into the void and his temples abandoned, the Acaronians faced a crisis of faith and leadership.   In the power vacuum that followed, the Acaronians fell into civil strife as factions vied for control. Yet, from the ashes of Kha'Vith's rule, a new empire emerged, one that sought to distance itself from the darker aspects of its past while still embracing the strength of its arcane roots.   The Acaronian Empire after Tyran Cassel:
The Acaronian Empire stands as a formidable power, its dark history a shadow that still looms large. While the Draethar teachings are no longer state religion, the arcane remains a fundamental part of Acaronian society, driving their pursuits and shaping their interactions with the galaxy at large.

Historical Figures

Kha'Vith, the Acaronian Veyd apprentice that returned to their world to rule as the Wraith Emperor.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Acaronians are generally viewed with a mix of fear and respect by other species. Their history of conquest has made allies cautious and enemies fearful. Some species may admire their strength and arcane prowess, seeking alliances of convenience or to learn from their power.
Scientific Name
Acaronius Sanguis
Typically 200-500 years, with some ancient members living longer due to their mastery of the Arcane
Average Height
1.8 - 2.7 meters
Average Weight
80 - 120 kg
Average Physique
Acaronians possess a naturally intimidating stature, with well-defined musculature that speaks to their superior physical conditioning. They have deep red to maroon skin that echoes the bloodlines of their ancient warrior heritage.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Acaronians display a spectrum of reds in their skin tone, from deep maroon to lighter shades of crimson, often accentuated with black markings. These markings are both natural and ritualistic tattoos signifying lineage, personal achievements, and status. Higher status individuals may have more elaborate and intricate designs, with gold or silver inlays to signify their position and arcane prowess.
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