The Order of the Scribes Organization in New Z'hrat | World Anvil
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The Order of the Scribes

The Order of the Scribes is one of the few existing organized religions in the world, even after the fall of their god. They believe knowledge itself is a holy force, a neutral and natural force that must be shared and tended to but never forced to comply with mankind's will. More practically, they serve as writers, librarians, journalists, and they handle public schooling (for the first five years, age 6-11, and anyone over 16 who isn't guilded and wants further generalist studies). Their procedures are shrouded in myth, ritual, and magic. Each local abbey is run by an abbot/abbess, and these abbots will meet quarterly and in emergencies to share information, but they have no centralized leader.


  1. Abbot/Abbess, or Headmaster
  2. Teacher
  3. Scribe


  • The Order values knowledge and information, introversion, the value of the written word, careful archives, and freedom to study.
  • They tend to avoid systems or regulation, and are generally annoyed by people who don't take things seriously.
  • At their best, they're archival wizards, the internet before the internet, but at their worst, they're snobby loners who jealously hoard information.

Public Agenda

  • They keep careful archives of people and events.
  • They are responsible for public education.
  • The guild includes New Z'hrat's journalists, authors, and historians.


  • Lots and lots of information
  • Significant dedicated manpower


  • Formed in Year 5, but the first recorded time of them acting as a cohesive political unit wasn't until 1100.
  • Junior scribes discovered a new form of magic in 1104. Mind magic was then ruled illegal, which caused a significant religious schism. Practitioners and researchers were killed or branded as heretics.
Founding Date
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
The Order

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