Finnick Lilaea Character in New Chasseron | World Anvil
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Finnick Lilaea

Seeker of the OUS Finnick Lilaea (a.k.a. Finn)

Finnick is a Seeker in the Order of the Unending Search. He was left at the Rubrisy branch of the OUS when he was a baby. He was raised since he was a child to be a Seeker. He has trained as a wizard in the art of Bladesinging. He has some telekinetic abilities that were awoken when the Veil was lifted.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is short, skinny, and dextrous

Body Features

He has a very human body

Facial Features

He has very Elvish ears and Dwarvish facial features

Identifying Characteristics

He has 2 tattoos, one on the back of each hand

Special abilities

He has some telekinetic abilities that were awoken when the Veil was lifted

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I am a member of The Order of the Unending Search. My parents left me at the OUS when I was a baby, so I don’t know my parents at all. I’m also not sure what race I really am. I can see aspects of human, elf, dwarf, and halfling. I was dropped at the organization 18 years ago, so I am around 19 years old. I have lived in the Rubrisy branch of the OUS since that time. I was raised to be a Seeker for the OUS, specifically the more scholarly of the pair. My small frame and quiet demeanor made it so I couldn’t really be the enforcer type. In addition, my intelligence and my desire to learn more solidified my role as the scholarly Seeker.   I first met Or-khan when I was 10 years old. I got bullied a lot when I was growing up. I was an easy target because I was very intelligent, but also very small and couldn’t talk to people very well. They made fun of me a lot, and I could never come up with comebacks. They beat me up, and I was never strong enough to defend myself. One time when I was getting beat up, he jumped in to defend me. He beat them up and kept them away. We became great friends. I’m the brains and he’s the brawn. Over the years he grew stronger and more charismatic, and I got smarter and more dexterous. I read about a unique fighting style known as Bladesinging, and I have been practicing it for years now. We are a perfect pair of Seekers, and we are so excited to be sent out for the first time! I am planning on taking notes on everything that happens to me on my travels. I look up to Ailduin Reylar, one of the head archivists. He used to be a Seeker, and he has written numerous books on all his travels and all of the crazy things that he learned and saw. And I want to be like him, so I plan on doing the same things as I travel. I am a follower of Sophaetia (Soh-fay-she-uh), the Basilethi goddess of knowledge   I have 2 tattoos, one on each bicep. They were there when I was left at the organization, and they have gotten bigger as I grew up (to stay proportional to the size of my arms). So it seems like they have some kind of magic. As far as I know nobody has any idea what they mean. (Maybe the tattoos are symbols of some hidden/secret organization, some forgotten deity, some ancient language, etc.). It seems like they “activated” or something 13 years ago when the veil was weakened. There was a moment where the tattoos flashed purple, and the light slowly went away over the next day. The same time that the tattoos flashed, I felt a sharp pain in my head. Similarly to the light from the tattoos, it went away over the next day. From that point on, I have had telekinetic powers that I can use to move objects and people around. Ever since this time I have been fascinated with these powers, and I desire to learn more and more about telekinesis, psionic casting, and the abilities of the mind. During my studies I have found many stories about ancient civilizations that specialized in this type of magic.

Gender Identity



He is straight, but is very nervous talking to girls.


He was trained in the Rubrisy branch of the OUS to be a Seeker. He was taught many things from history to treating wounds. He knows a lot about ancient civilizations, arcana, heroes, and religion especially.


He was just promoted to being a Seeker in the OUS.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He and Or-khan are some of the youngest students to be promoted to full time Seekers.

Mental Trauma

He has been bullied for a lot of his life for his stutter, his knowledge of everything, and his overall awkwardness. This makes it hard for him to open up.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is very bright and quick to come up with solutions to problems

Morality & Philosophy

He truly believes that knowledge should be for everyone. And he thinks that all things that have been forgotten to time should be found and shared.

Personality Characteristics


He wants to find forgotten knowledge and share it with the world because he truly believes that all knowledge should be for everyone.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He's very smart and dexterous. He is very weak and bad at socializing and talking with people

Likes & Dislikes

He loves to learn new things. It really doesn't matter what he's learning about as long as it's something new. He really doesn't like when he doesn't understand things. He will sit at something for a long time until he finally understands the solution.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is very committed to his mission. He is generous and caring, and he wants everyone to be able to grow up how he did. He has confidence in his abilities. He is very enthusiastic about the things he has learned. He is creative and quick-thinking.

Vices & Personality flaws

He can sometimes be arrogant and a know-it-all. He tries to avoid it, but his confidence can sometimes come off as arrogance. Especially with his lack of social skills.

Personality Quirks

He will float gems around in his hand using his telekinetic abilities when he's thinking.


He is an generally clean person


Contacts & Relations

Best friends and Seeker partners with (Lachlan's character's name). His mentor, Ailduin Reylar, is the Archivist of the Veil and a former Seeker. Finnick looks up to him a great deal.

Family Ties

He does not know his family

Religious Views

He is a follower of Sophaetia, the Basilethi goddess of knowledge

Social Aptitude

He is not great at socializing with people, especially strangers. He only has a deep connection with (Lachlan's character's name) and Ailduin.


He uses his telekinetic powers to float gemstones above his hand when he is thinking. He also tunes out the rest of the world when in thought.

Hobbies & Pets

He has a familiar named Onyx. Onyx is usually in the form of a black and gray owl.


He has a small stutter, and that makes it even harder for him to talk with others. He gets self-conscious about it.

Finnick is a Seeker of the Order of the Unending Search

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Seeker of the OUS
Current Residence
The Rubrisy branch of the OUS
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 4 in
130 lbs
Known Languages
He knows common, primordial, and draconic

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