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Society is still trying to cope after the events of the Dark Sun invasion which brought even the greatest nations to their knees only a little over a century ago. Dayie, the god king of the now defeated Undead legion is sealed, left to eternally rot between the folds of reality but his actions still scar the landscape. Placar, once a grand kingdom, became the final battlefield against the god king, The largest battle in history scarred the earth cursing the land and those who'd walk upon it. The great kingdoms of old that united to face Dayie returned to their squabbling and began their slow descent into self destruction.   The old orders are gone and from it new nations have come to rise, many with ideals born from the events of the Dark Sun invasion such as the great Theocracies that blanket the western continent and the War machines that constantly pummel one another further from the reaches of civilization.   Many still believe Dayie will return but far closer troubles still loom over. The relationship between the Ashgarn and Palaxar churches are at a near boiling point with fears of an entire continental war could be possible.

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To Break A Wheel

Dungeons & Dragons 5e