Homunculus, Greater Species in Nathair | World Anvil
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Homunculus, Greater

the greater homunculus is designed to be used by spirits and gods as a vassal for temporary use. The amorphous nature of the clay allows the spirit or soul to give it the right features

Basic Information


gender less humanoid with no real facial features

Genetics and Reproduction

created out of ash, clay, ground mandrake root, spring water, and a pint of celestial or fiend blood (or a 50/50 mix)

Dietary Needs and Habits

same as possessing soul

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

used as avatars by the gods   used by spirits to finish what they could not in life that is holding them from the next life   used by the courts to get testimony from murder victims

Average Intelligence

3 + possessors
Genetic Descendants
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
blank grey/ possessors

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