Aria Moonshadow Character in Nalice | World Anvil
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Aria Moonshadow

Aria Moonshadow, the current High Priestess leading the Sanctum, is an enigmatic figure in the heart of Tenshold. On the surface, she presents an image of youthful innocence, with ethereal charm that captivates those around her. Aria's elven heritage grants her an ageless appearance, allowing her to weave a facade of vulnerability that conceals her true ambitions.   Behind her doe-eyed exterior, Aria harbors a keen intellect and an insatiable thirst for power. She aims to consolidate the influence of the Sanctum within the Inner Circle, pushing Tenshold towards a more magical and sanctified future. Aria possesses subtle charm magic, a tool she deftly employs to manipulate perceptions and sway the opinions of those who stand in her way.   Known for her strategic cunning, Aria subtly maneuvers the Inner Circle like pieces on a chessboard, always with the end goal of strengthening the Sanctum's dominance. Her ability to maintain an innocent facade while orchestrating intricate power plays has made her a formidable force within Tenshold's political landscape.   Aria's presence in the Inner Circle raises questions among those who sense the undercurrents of manipulation. Some members suspect her ulterior motives, while others remain oblivious to the intricate web she weaves. As Tenshold teeters on the edge of political unrest, Aria Moonshadow remains a shadowy puppeteer, pulling strings in pursuit of her vision for the city's future  

Personal Life

  Outside of The Inner Circle and her involvment inside of The Sanctum, Aria Moonshadow maintains an outward appearance of grace and benevolence. She often participates in public events, ceremonies, and religious gatherings, presenting herself as a symbol of The Sanctum's guidance and wisdom. Aria is known to mingle with the citizens of Tenshold during these occasions, using her charm to foster a sense of connection and unity within the community.   Privately, Aria is meticulous in preserving her image. She resides in a well-appointed residence within Tenshold, surrounded by artifacts and symbols of the sanctum. Her personal life is shielded from the public eye, and she guards her secrets with great care. Despite her elevated status, she often engages in acts of charity, supporting various causes that align with The Sanctum's teachings.  


  Aria Moonshadow was born into a family deeply devoted to the teachings of the sanctum. Raised within the protective walls of Tenshold, she spent her early years immersed in the sacred traditions and magical practices of the sanctum. Gifted with a natural affinity for magic, Aria's potential was recognized early on, and she quickly ascended through the ranks of the sanctum's hierarchy.   Known for her exceptional charm and keen intellect, Aria became a standout figure within the sanctum, earning the respect and admiration of her peers. As she delved deeper into the mysteries of magic and the teachings of the sanctum, Aria's ambition grew. She desired not only to uphold the sanctum's teachings but also to wield its influence over the governance of Tenshold.   Aria's path to becoming the High Priestess was marked by a combination of innate magical talent, unwavering dedication to the sanctum's principles, and an astute understanding of politics within Tenshold. Over the years, she carefully navigated the complex web of relationships within the sanctum and the inner circle, securing her position as a formidable leader with her sights set on furthering the sanctum's influence.
Current Location
Large golden almond
Long silver decorated
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Sanctum of Luminal Reverence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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