Canyon of darkness Geographic Location in Naita | World Anvil
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Canyon of darkness

Rated the second most dengerous location in the world Where monsters called grimm roam this barren wastland in the center lies a mountain at the peak lies the Wellspring of light.


A wasteland at the bottom of a canyon where nothing can live except the Grimm.


A barren wastland with a purple hue over everything there is no life except for the Grimm.


Freezing cold 24/7

Fauna & Flora

Everything in the Canyon is dead except for monsters called Grimm who don´t need to eat.

Natural Resources

none as everything is dead


Brave explorers travel through this place to get to The wellspring of Light.
Alternative Name(s)
Dark Valley
Location under
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Contested By
Inhabiting Species

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