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Naihros is a world in flux. This is a land that is built upon the flimsy logic of the imagination, dreams and romance. The product of a dead god's mind, the world of Naihros is permeable in some places, and rigid with arcane laws in others.   Everything contains traces of bhasma, a substance that is reactive to the whims of the unconscious. In objects, places or people with particularly high concentrations of bhasma, profound reactions are possible. These are known as the sculpted, individuals whose unconscious desires and fears have warped their own bodies and the spaces around them. From gorgeous vistas produced in the early Age of Creation, to the mundane miracles of the current Age of Records, this is a world where the impossible is expected, but always uncontrollable.   Most of the known world is spread between a series of continents and islands, with a vast wreath of storms and churning mountains sitting atop the planet like a crown. The north pole of the planet is a location that no one has been able to reach since the Age of Creation when an exploratory caravan sent out by an early society disappeared behind the great wall of The Crown. Now, caravaneers are a widespread profession of people who escort, trade, explore and study the world while taking contracts.

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