Tortle Ethnicity in Mytkora | World Anvil
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Race Details


Tortle Features

Ability Score Increase

You may increase any ability scores of your choosing up to three times, however you may not increase any one ability score more than twice.  


Tortles mature at about the same rate as Humans but can live up to 150 years.  


Tortles are of roughly the same height as Humans, but are slightly heavier and average around 180 pounds.  


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.    


You have claws that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals 1d6 + your Strength modifier slashing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.    

Hold Breath

You can hold your breath for up to 1 hour.  

Natural Armor

Your shell provides you a base AC of 17 (your Dexterity modifier doesn’t affect this number). You can’t wear light, medium, or heavy armor, but if you are using a shield, you can apply the shield’s bonus as normal.  

Nature’s Intuition

Thanks to your mystical connection to nature, you gain proficiency with one of the following skills of your choice: Instincts, Medicine, Nature, Perception, or Survival.  

Shell Defense

You can withdraw into your shell as an action. Until you emerge, you gain a +4 bonus to your AC, and you have advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws. While in your shell, you are prone, your speed is 0 and can’t increase, you have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, you can’t take reactions, and the only action you can take is a bonus action to emerge from your shell.  


You can speak, read, and write Common and Tekoran.
Lore: Tortles

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