Tabaxi Ethnicity in Mytkora | World Anvil
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Tabaxi (tuh BACK see)

The jungle has eyes

CobaltDM - June 24, 2022
"The wild Tekoran rainforests were far more dangerous than I gave them credit for. I hired three guides from Djekhen to take me into the western jungle and returned with only one. One fell victim to the bite of a poisonous snake. Another vanished in the night with no trace other than a bloodstain. The journey was quite a harrowing experience, and one I would not make again were I given the choice. I did, however, find the Tabaxi village I was looking for. They were suspicious of me, but rather impressed I had survived the journey. I met with their Chief, a tall male with black, spotted fur called Seven Stars. We discussed many things over a cup of viscous liquor made from a particular flower, starting with his story." - An excerpt from "The Travels of Hafrick Moriarty"
Tabaxi were created by Kebis shortly after Minotaurs. They were the third of the bestial races he placed in Mytkora. Lean, agile, and quick, the Tabaxi thrive in the lush rainforests of Tekoril. They are excellent hunters and rogues, and will sometimes travel to nearby towns to steal supplies for their villages hidden away among the tall trees.  

The Silent Cat

Tabaxi are similar to Humans in lifespans, but are slightly shorter and lighter. They stand between 5 and 5 and a half feet tall and usually weigh between 130 and 150 pounds. They are covered in fur that can have a variety of patterns and colors and have long, feline tails. Some grow human-like hair from the tops of their heads and wear them in a variety of styles, but it is usually braided or tied up so that it stays out of the way.  

Jungle Tribes

A large majority of Tabaxi followed the teachings of Kebis and mostly stayed away from cities and towns, only visiting to steal or trade for what is needed back home. They generally have a tribal social structure, with a Chief that serves as leader until he or she becomes too old and selects their replacement. There are also spiritual leaders among them, called Shamans, that hold great influence within the tribe. They are suspicious of outsiders and typically stay isolated from civilization.  

Unique Names

Tabaxi have a unique naming system unlike any other race in Mytkora. The Chief names a newborn kit after their environmental circumstances. A kit born on the solstice, for example, may be named Lingering Sun or Longest Day. When interacting with people outside of their tribe, however, they will sometimes shorten it to only the second word. Tabaxi take great pride in their name and will celebrate their Naming Day annually with their families.
Playable Race Details: Tabaxi

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