Moon Elves Ethnicity in Mytkora | World Anvil
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Moon Elves

Bask in the midnight sun

CobaltDM - June 14, 2022
Moon Elves were the third variant of elves created by Kebis. They were initially intended to be nighttime hunters and nomads that roamed the plains of Mytkora. During their development, however, Didymos became intrigued and placed their blessings upon the first of the new race. This gave them many new abilities, but drew them away from Kebis, much to The Stag's anger. Now, Moon Elves can be found in the flatlands of Tekoril and Atheles. Many of them become gifted with enchantment and illusion magic, and are feared by villagers in their local areas due to terrifying rumors of ritual sacrifice and cannibalism.  


Moon Elves are slender and elegant like the rest of their cousins. They have pale, alabaster skin that sometimes has touches of blue, and hair of black, white, or silver. They are hauntingly beautiful in an almost human way, but still have the alien aura of mystical uncertainty about them which, when combined with the rumors about them, causes them to frighten many from other, more common races.  

Nomadic Stargazers

Moon Elves are usually most active at night, and will rarely spend more than a few weeks in one location. They avoid most civilization, but will interact with those who travel by moonlight or those who somehow stumble too close to their camps. They have a deep appreciation for the moon and the stars, and thus have a connection with both Didymos and Elsios. At a young age, Moon Elves are taught to navigate via the stars and know the names of most, if not all of the constellations.  

History of Mischief

Despite the rumors to the contrary, Moon Elves are a friendly, charitable, and often ornery bunch. They enjoy playing jokes on unsuspecting travelers or peasants, most of which ending with said individual fleeing in terror. Some less scrupulous Moon Elves sometimes apply their skills to thievery, however, and they are considered highly valuable assets to any thieves' guild that can hire one. These specific individuals may contribute to their reputation, although such examples are few and far between.

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