Mestonia Character in Mytkora | World Anvil
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Mestonia (meh STONE ee uh)

Goddess of the Sun

CobaltDM - May 15, 2022
Mestonia, also known as Lightbringer, The Tactician, and The Wise Mother, is Goddess of the Sun. She is widely considered the most intelligent of the Eleven, and it was her tactical prowess that led to the defeat of Yparxis during the Calamity. She is often treated as Elsios' second in command, and is a source of wisdom and advice for the rest of the pantheon.  

"May Mestonia's light be our guide. If her peers seek her wisdom, so should we all." - Aldernon the Wise.

  When the universe first came to be and the twelve gods were formed, it was Mestonia who truly began the Great Formation. Creation started as her idea, and she guided the others into their respective domains. As they all grew in their power, she served as a source of stability and helpfulness, taking a motherly role in the development of the rest of the pantheon. She became a beacon, shining her light down on the rest of the gods as they began to craft the Material Realm.   Mestonia was as protective as she was supportive. When she saw Yparxis grow so strong that he could mimic the domains of the others and had surpassed Elsios in power, she began to grow wary. When he showed signs of wanting to dominate the Prime Material, it was her idea to join forces against him. Her wrath caught Yparxis by surprise--no doubt preventing many of her kin from being destroyed immediately. Calling out to Elsios for the last shred of necessary power, Mestonia sealed Yparxis from the material plane permanently.   With the biggest threat neutralized, the Eleven were free to expand their realms as they pleased. Mestonia continued to guide and lead them. As time passed, the other gods fully settled into their domains of power. With the first mortals created and Mytkora completed, Mestonia knew that her work was done. She left behind fragments of herself in the form of the Aasimar, a blessed form of humanoid with celestial power flowing through their veins. She then distanced herself from her children and their creations, building a new home for herself that mortals now call the sun. Now able to rest, but still overflowing with love for the universe she helped establish, Mestonia continued to be sought after for her wisdom by both mortals and gods alike.   In Isatis and Atheles, a widespread religion formed in her honor known as the Temple of the Benevolent Light. High ranking emissaries within the temple were often consulted by world leaders for advice, since the most devout among them was able to commune with Mestonia more often. These were the first aware of when the gods suddenly went silent. With a terrified and confused world seeking their help, they embodied what Mestonia did to her peers; they acted as spiritual guides and faithful sources of encouragement to their communities. However, to this day they still have no explanation for the Wise Mother's disappearance.

Holy Symbol of Mestonia

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Light, Order, War
See also: Divine Magic

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