Elf Ethnicity in Mytkora | World Anvil
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Race Details

DnD CFe - August 8, 2022
Sky Elves by CobaltDM - June 12, 2022

Elf Traits


Ability Score Increase

You may increase any ability scores of your choosing up to three times, however you may not increase any one ability score more than twice.  


Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. An elf typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old.  


Elves range from 5 and a half to nearly 7 feet tall and have slender builds. Your size is Medium.  


Your base walking speed is 30ft.  

Eyes of Idros

You have supernatural sight that grants you clear vision up to a distance of 3 miles away.  

Elven Superiority

When you hit with a weapon attack against another humanoid that is not an elf, your attack deals +2 damage.  


You can speak, read, and write Common, Old Tongue, and one other language of your choosing.    


Different members of the Eleven creating their own version of elves resulted in five main subraces: high elves, moon elves, woad elves, sky elves, and sea elves. Choose one of the five subraces presented below.    

High Elves

High elves, sometimes called sun elves, have closer ties to the weave of magic and a keen mind. They have skin ranging from a rich bronze to a pale gold and hair of copper, brown, or golden blond. They tend towards being whimsical and chaotic, much like their patron goddess.  

Touch of Makeiro

You may choose one cantrip and one first level spell from the wizard spell list. The first level spell you pick may be cast once per long rest without expending a spell slot. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.  

Adept Arcana

You gain proficiency in Arcana. You also gain advantage on checks made to discern magical properties or to decode magical runes, scripts, and scrolls.    

Moon Elves

Moon elves are said to be the chosen of Didymos, created to bask in his light and operate away from Mestonia's harsh gaze. They have pale, alabaster skin that sometimes has touches of blue, and hair of black, white, or silver. They are regarded as the most beautiful and attractive of all of the elf races. They are generally devoted to Didymos and prefer to be active at night rather than the day.  


Accustomed to nocturnal life, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light up to 60 feet as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, instead only seeing shades of gray.  

One With the Night

Once per long rest, you can cast Invisibility without expending a spell slot.    

Woad Elves

Woad elves typically live in small, secluded villages in the canopies of the great forests of the land. They are skilled hunters and artisans, and tend to prefer simple life in nature over the grand lives of their cousin subraces. Their skin is copperish in hue, sometimes with tinges of green. Their hair tends towards browns or blacks, but can sometimes have a reddish or blond tint.  

Light Foot

Nonmagical difficult terrain does not slow your movement.  

Friend of Nature

As an action, you can summon a companion from your surroundings to help you. This creature must be Beast-type, be in its natural habitat, and no more powerful than CR 0. You and your companion can communicate with each other. The companion flees if you enter into combat or leaves you after 1 hour. This ability refreshes upon a short or long rest.    

Sky Elves

Sky elves are a peaceful, monastic people created by Idros to spread his word of peace to the nations of Mytkora. They live on mountaintops where their creator built them grand, stone monasteries. They have pale skin and more rounded features than their cousins. Their heads are often shaved, but those with hair tend to have a thick scruff with a red or blond color to it.  

Forceful Negotation

Once per long rest, you may cast Calm Emotions without expending a spell slot.  

Diplomacy First

You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill.  

Sea Elves

  Sea elves were created by Tassah to live among the beauties of her oceans. They enjoy the freedom and untamed power of the seas and have formed small, hidden communities in the ocean shallows. Their skin ranges from an aquatic green to various hues of blue. Their hair is usually silver or white in color, but can sometimes be a platinum blond.  

Masters of the Sea

You gain a swimming speed of 30ft and the ability to breathe underwater.  

Born to Sail

You gain proficiency in the Survival skill and in Water Vehicles.
Lore: Elves

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