Wisp Species in Mythria | World Anvil
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Small orbs of pure magic, Wisps are semi-intelligent motes that float around aimlessly within areas of the world that have unusually high concentrations of magical energy - resulting in their creation.

Basic Information


Round orbs of glowing green light.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wisps are not believed to be able to reproduce in the traditional sense, as there has been no recorded account of one being born/created.

Ecology and Habitats

Wisps are found within any area with an unusually high degree of magical energy, which can be anywhere in the world, regardless of environment type and condition.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As far as scholars are aware, Wisps require no sustenance to survive.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Wisps are commonly used by Crows in various magical and alchemical processes, as well as being used as a rudimentary form of lighting - once captured within glass bottles or jars. Dragons are also known to consume Wisps, though for unknown reasons.

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is unknown whether Wisps can sense the world around them, they do, however, react to external stimuli such as being touched. This will typically cause the Wisp to flutter away from the source of the physical interaction. It is believed that Wisps are capable of sensing the presence of magic; being drawn towards it.
Scientific Name
Magi Aurum
Average Height
Roughly 2" - 4".
Average Weight
Virtually weightless

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