Deibhos Wand Item in Mythosis | World Anvil
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Deibhos Wand

The Deibhos Wand is a legendary magic wand with power that exceeds that of even the Elder Wand from world A-548. It is said that this wand can alter the World Code with a mere flick, although noone has ever found it. Many have started a journey to find the wand, but most gave up, some were stopped by the church because it's their "holy artifact", and some never returned. There are superstitions going around that the anomaly known as Null has it, as it also has strange reality-bending abilities.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
20 cm long, .5 cm wide
Raw materials & Components
The Deibhos Wand is supposedly made of palethorn wood, with a core created by Khaos specifically for this wand.

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