Maximus Howard Character in Mythical Creatures | World Anvil
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Maximus Howard

The Honourable Maximus Frederick Howard

Maximus' father is the Viscount of Dunstead. He is the eldest son of the family and set to inherit his father's lands and title. He is a man of... questionable morals. He knows he has been brought to Destham to possibly get married to Alice and has mixed feelings about it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Maximus is the eldest son of the Viscount. He grew up as the golden boy. He has always known that he was destined 'for greatness' and has been raised to take on his father's land and titles when he dies. He is now and has always been an extremely sadistic individual, with no obvious sense of empathy and an uncontrollable temper. He has a history of violence and torturing small animals. As a child, he was the eldest of five. He has two younger brothers and two younger sisters. From a young age, he was taught to fight. Maximus is trained in sword fighting, as well as hand-to-hand combat and the usage of basic guns. When learning to sword-fight and hand-to-hand combat, he was often pitted against his younger brothers. Of course, this meant he would easily win, which both falsely increased his ego and alienated him from them. A similar story can be found in Maximus' athletic history. He and his family play rugby - but no one would dare hurt the Viscount's heir, and his brothers were younger and weaker, so he considers himself a 'star athlete'. Maximus has always had a complex relationship with his parents. On the surface, his relationship with his father seems close. He and his father have spent a lot of time together, as Maximus needed to be taught how to do his father's job. However, Maximus' father has the same fatal flaw as his son - he is a bully. No matter how much he has tried, Maximus has never quite lived up to his father's expectations. His is a spoiled brat, and his father hates him for it. Maximus' mother is a meek, timid woman that lets every member of the household walk all over her. Maximus does not respect her because he perceives her as having no strength. His ability to walk all over his mother his whole life has given him a very poor view of women. When Maximus matured into a teenager, his petulant, 'spoiled brat' behaviour became darker. He has been caught by servants at his family home several times, torturing small animals. After he killed his youngest sister's cat, the family banned pets from the house. He also began to have violent outbursts when things didn't go his way, and childish temper tantrums became destructive fits of rage. Maximus is very torn about the arranged marriage. He desperately wants to make his father proud, and so is willing to marry who he says. He is also eager to marry so that he has a better chance of securing his title and providing his family and titles with an heir. However, he is extremely disappointed that he is "marrying below his station", and genuinely believes that Alice and her family are beneath him.

Gender Identity

Maximus is so cisgender, it's a problem. ((toxic masculinity))


Maximus is one of those straight men that's a little too terrified of being gay. He's not gay - he's just a homophobic dick.


Maximus is extremely well educated. He attended a private educational institution with other boys from wealthy families. He had the highest title of anyone in the school and so naturally dominated the environment. He had already learnt how to control others through his relationship with his brothers all his life.


Maximus is set to inherit his father's titles and so spends most of his working hours trying to learn from him.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Maximus has a lot of sporting trophies and medals. He also achieved good marks in his schoolwork. He genuinely considers these to be the achievements of a 'great man in the making'.

Failures & Embarrassments

Maximus desperately craves his father's approval and has never quite managed it. This crushes him.

Mental Trauma

Maximus' father is a nit-picking bully. He has spent his entire life trying to make him proud, but has never heard him say those words. This causes Maximus a substantial amount of grief.

Morality & Philosophy

Maximus is an extremely sadistic individual who doesn't seem to care for other's pain. He seems to lack all empathy, and only acts in his own self-interests.


Maximus would never do anything that made him look vulnerable.
Year of Birth
1854 21 Years old
Light brown, curly

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