Jude Buckley Character in Mythical Creatures | World Anvil
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Jude Buckley

Mr. Jude Buckley

Jude is a practitioner of science. He was born to a wealthy family, and is the nephew of a baron. Jude's family are family friends with Baron Carter's family, and he grew up attending fancy balls in Destham. As a result, he has a decent relationship with Baron Carter, who still invites him to events, now that they both live in the same city. This relationship allows Jude to keep up to date with what's going on in the upper classes, even if he himself doesn't get involved much. Jude has studied extensively at Oxford University, specialising in Chemistry and Biology. 
For his work, Jude likes to take different parts of dead things, sew them together, and then bring the creature back to life. He's able to do this with a mixture of science and Magic. He doesn't know this, but this is because he is really a Dredge.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jude has an average physique. He doesn't work out a lot, but does spend his days on his feet in his lab, so it balances itself out.

Body Features

Jude has white skin and brown hair.

Facial Features

Jude has blue eyes.

Physical quirks

Jude is right handed, and has terrible posture from leaning over his lab table every day.

Apparel & Accessories

Jude likes to wear clothes the way his mother dressed him when he was younger, and he doesn't care enough to find a personal sense of style.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jude was born into a wealthy family and is the nephew of a baron. This meant his childhood was spent attending posh parties held by all the nobility in the area, and Baron Carter was one of those people. Jude has always had a deep interest in science, which led him to study chemistry and biology at Oxford University.
After leaving university, he used his knowledge to start creating and animating animals from the dead body parts of other animal carcasses. Once reanimated, they drew the attention of the fae community in Nightwood Forest, who like to use them as guardians.
More recently, he has gotten into business at this time with Senprus, who wanted to exchange the blood supply Jude gets from local morgues and doctor's offices and hospitals for the dead body parts of The Darkwalkers' victims. When he mentioned to Senprus that Baron Carter's estranged daughter Alice Carter was coming home, he was 'persuaded' by Senprus to get him and the rest of The Darkwalkers a ticket into her homecoming ball.

Gender Identity

Jude is Male.


Jude is asexual, and has no interest in sexual or romantic relationships.


Due to his family wealth, and male gender, Jude has had an extensive education that culminated in many years at Oxford University, studying biology and chemistry.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Jude has spent years studying at Oxford University, and is very proud of his education.
He is also proud of his work, grateful that his years of study aren't going to waste and in disbelief knowing he has made an incredible discovery.

Failures & Embarrassments

It took Jude a full year to work out how to bring his creations to life. He grew so attached to this animal after it came back to life, in fact, that he has kept it ever since. This is his cat, Benji.

Intellectual Characteristics

Jude is a highly logical person, and does not allow emotion or morality to cloud his judgement.

Morality & Philosophy

Jude would consider himself a moral person, but wouldn't let morals get in his way if he really wanted something.

Personality Characteristics


Jude wants to keep honing his craft to be bigger and better. He managed a cat, then he mastered animals, and is now moving onto people. One day he'd like to create his own race of giants.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Jude has very careful, still hands.

Likes & Dislikes

Jude likes solitude. Whilst he enjoys the support of Baron Carter, and finds Senprus very interesting, he would rather just be left alone.

Virtues & Personality perks

Jude has a highly intelligent brain that can adapt easily to new situations.

Vices & Personality flaws

Jude is pretty easy to scare, and gets exhausted with social contact easily.


Jude is extremely and meticulously hygienic when it comes to both his lab and himself.


Family Ties

Jude is the nephew of a Baron. His father owns a coal mine a town over. He was always far closer to his mother than his father, which has given him a gentle nature. The wealthy, noble family ties means that he experiences the upsides of nepotism a lot and doesn't really realise. He is too absorbed in his work to really care, but keeps going to the posh events because 'they may be useful at some point'.

Religious Views

Jude is an atheist.

Social Aptitude

Jude talks like he is in a business meeting, all of the time. He doesn't keep many friends and doesn't often stop by for social visits.

Hobbies & Pets

Jude likes to hang out with his undead cat Benji, and going on walks at night.

Wealth & Financial state

Jude has an average amount of wealth. He receives large payments from the fae folk that buy his creations, but it costs quite a lot to get the different parts he needs for his projects, so the margin there isn't large.
Year of Birth
1839 36 Years old
Current Residence
Light brown, curly, kept quite short
5 ft. 10''
11 st.
Known Languages
Jude speaks English and Latin.
Ruled Locations

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