Iktomi Species in Mythic AU RP Group | World Anvil
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Iktomi (singular and plural) are trickster spirits that most often take the form of a spider. They also have humanoid forms.

Basic Information


Iktomi most often take the form of spiders. These spiders can range from the size of a dinner plate to a horse, and may be any breed of arachnid.

Ecology and Habitats

Iktomi are found in nearly every part of the world. The only place Iktomi are not seen are cold deserts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Iktomi feed mainly on insects, though they may also choose to eat meat. Iktomi produce an acid that melts their prey, and they will then drink the remains.

Biological Cycle

This species is a year-round one, although they tend to invade areas that are well heated or extremely populous so they don't freeze to death. Shopkeepers and homeowners may find Iktomi hiding in their storage areas, garages, basements or attics for months.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Iktomi, being trickster spirits, are very outgoing and manipulative.

Facial characteristics

Iktomi will often have Native American traits. They may also be multiracial, due to Native American genes mixing in with the English.

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