Phonous Colt Character in Mythgate | World Anvil
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Phonous Colt

Sir Phonous Colt (a.k.a. The Bastard)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally from a lowborn family, Colt was one of several kids from his parents. Too make for one less mouth to feed, he was sent away to a nearby temple to become a monk in which they attempted to drill temperance, discipline, and honor into him. Frustratingly, none would stick unless taught as part of martial training, a dangerous prospect they believed to warrant kicking him out. Not that they could before Colt read the writing on the wall and made out along with a sword from the temple's armory.   Now without the temple nor home to go back to, Colt realized that his only marketable talent was a willingness to put himself in danger in exchange for money. What followed was what could be expected when he has a sword and money and there were other people with money and no sword. Eventually even grouping up with a few others like him to create a small gang of sellswords.   During a clash of merchants trying to muscle each other off territory, Colt happened to come across a young noble being kidnapped by a pair of enemy mercenaries. With their backs turned and preoccupied with this, he sneaked up and slew the two, taking the boy as a hostage to exchange for ransom. However when he returned him to his family, a miscommunication lead to them thinking Colt was a rescuer rather than a would be kidnapper and when he made them know that he was no knight errant the minor family made him one, granted mostly with title only as they gave him no land nor wealth.   Now truly a knight errant, Colt travels doing what he's always been doing, except now apparently it's a good thing because he was made a knight.


Colt's education leaves a lot to be desired. He's somewhat literate due to his time with the monks but he often looks for help when it comes to reading anything more complicated than simple contracts.

Morality & Philosophy

Colt is quite an amoral person, money is of the utmost importance for him and he makes that fact clear. Shirking the more chivalrous responsibilities of a knight and instead uses the title in order to get more lucrative jobs. He asks for more and generally gets paid more than he used to, because in his mind, knights are paid more.

Personality Characteristics


Money. Plain and simple.


Family Ties


Wealth & Financial state


Originally lowborn, Sir Colt used to be another vagabond before he happened to save a young noble from death. For his bravery he was given knighthood. But without proper training or education, he's just a vagabond with a name

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Somewhere unimportant

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