Natsuo Mayaku Character in Mythgate | World Anvil
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Natsuo Mayaku

Natsuo Mayaku

Natsuo is a kitsune both with genie-kin blood, and thus lives life as an Ifrit among foxes. Whereas some people may be asked if a sibling is their twin, not many can have had the error applied to themselves. Natsuo specifically, is non-binary - Identifying as Male or Female depending on what suits them at a moment. Knowing that this would undoubtedly end up trickier for others to track, they don't give much thought to enforcing any specific pronoun over the other. For Natsuo, it's more important as to how they're expressing themselves right now rather than how it's being interpreted.   Beyond that, they've skilled at something, and not at others. It doesn't bother them much that their younger sister is so much more intelligent, or that they're the least magically inclined of their kin. They're content to enjoy doing what they can do rather than focusing on what they cannot - of the which, their fire-dancing usually ends up defining them in the eyes of others. It's not unexpected, the flurry of light and the show of footwork is one of Natsuo's most proud accomplishments and perhaps their most well-known venue to express themselves to the word - including in combat.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though flexible and quick, Natsuo's physical bulk leaves something to be desired.

Body Features

Notable Kitsune ears and tail, without the ability to magically hide it as most kitsune do. Their body is unusually warm to the touch, which accompanied by the fact that they've never had a burn from the sun as well as recovering quickly from the occasional fire-based mishaps in their day to day all herald the hallmarks of their extra bloodline.

Facial Features

A small nose, soft eyes, smooth edges, and a wry smile.

Physical quirks

Often seen twirling or fidgetting with something in her fingers– Be it a stick, their dancing poi, a quill, or anything else she can get her hands on.

Special abilities

He has a strong proficiency for misdirection and a proclivity for flames.

Apparel & Accessories

Loose-fitting shits, belts, and pantaloons that are often tucked into knee-high boots are often accompanied by the occasional scarf.
Or else perhaps today it's a noble-like dress, with no shyness of frills and bows that skirts over a set of stockings.

—Whatever the outfit, there usually ends up an odd shyness about showing much of his legs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Second youngest in a group of kitsune Nomads, somehow the onus of making a responsible choice can often land with Natsuo. Playing the role of the younger middle child meant that she was often left to her own devices - developing with little in the way of expectation or guidance. Fortunately, she had enough drive to invest and pursue a variety of interests this way. She's far from an expert at many of them, such as cooking, gardening, or writing - but each new skill is another way to discover a part of herself she never knew before.   That's how they got into fire-dancing. The two flames whirling and spinning around her, representing a lot of duality they saw in the world. Traditional dance with a new twist. A blending of their heritage as an ifrit and a kitsune. WIP

Gender Identity

Non-Binary. Constantly fluctuating, Natsuo may identify as male today, only to then go a week afterward wearing dresses and curtsying with a giggle. Why settle on just one aspect of who you are?


Natsuo's been known to flirt with more than a few individuals–if at irregular intervals. It's hard to pin down exactly what the common thread between them is: as when all is accounted for there doesn't seem to be much a common thread between any potential courtiers; race, gender, status, traits... Whatever metric Natsuo does use, it seems only she known it's keen application in any circumstance. Though most of the time, these flirtations come and go as quickly as her sudden and profound curiosity with a new type of animal or insect that just crossed her vision.


Natsuo is quite literate, though that's about where the end of his formal education lies. He has no particular area of intellectual expertise, though he has dabbled in cooking and growing basic household herbs. For someone connected to the Elemental Plane of Fire, he's got a curiously green thumb. Perhaps it's due in part to a familial influence...


Natsuo finds gain in three different ways, tailoring her craft based on the needs, desires, and opportunities that cross her path. Sometimes, she's dancing for a crowd —throwing and catching flails of fire for entertainment. Other times, she's telling stories to young ones around a fire: concocting or retelling adventures or histories for though with the ears to hear. Finally, she copies books and stories written by others to pay the legends forwards - sometimes with minor embellishments, and always dreaming of putting her own tales to the pen.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Beginning a new life as co-leader of a new caravan - which though it's formation may have raised more than a few eyebrows, surely her presence at least calms the minds of close family and friends somewhat regarding the fate of an otherwise relative oddity of a crew.

Failures & Embarrassments

Though otherwise observant and naturally curious, Natsuo perhaps too much on what her eyes can see and her ears can hear. As a result, even if she's not the most picked on caravan member - she's a low hanging fruit as far as pranks go, perhaps too easy (a fact that she pines over each time it's again made apparent).

Mental Trauma

Maybe he's lucky, or maybe he's hiding something yet? In any case, Natsuo seems to be perhaps the only of his siblings not to have endured some prior or continuing mental struggle.

Intellectual Characteristics

Often level headed, the times when his temper flares up are usually balanced by a swift return to control. Even if something may be hours past, Natsuo isn't above apologizing if they've felt like they wronged someone in the heat of the moment. This willingness to learn from mistakes usually finds her a relative ease when forging relationships with others. This is also the best way she's found to learn- as though not particularly dense, she's not the fastest learner one would ever meet. But their slow and steady progress and perseverance despite a lack of natural intellectual talent has resulted in an unexpected bookworm - even if usually in matters of adventure or romance novels rather than non-fiction.

Morality & Philosophy

"Everyone got their own dragons to fight, but that doesn't mean you have to face them alone"
"Life has a way of balancing things out. Sometimes though, you have to give life a little hand"
"One can do the wrong thing for the right reasons just as easy as the opposite"
"Greasy food is how we know that we've earned the Gods favour"


Sexism, betrayal of trust or hospitality, dishonouring or speaking ill of the dead, arrogant neglect/disregard for tradition.

Personality Characteristics


To dance one's way across the fickle strings of fate's lute.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Mediocre at best with most intellectual pursuits.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes:: Fashion, Stories, Dancing, Cooking, aromatic smells, mirrors
Poultry, heavily seasoned dishes, fried foods.
Taking initiative, tricking others,

Dislikes:: Uncleanliness, getting tricked, arrogance/selfishness, fruit, tail-pullers, slow and raspy voices, the texture of rocks, small holes.

Vices & Personality flaws

Somewhat vain. Easily distractable, his curiosity sometimes takes him to places they end up regretting. Struggles to define stable(non-fluctuating) relationships with others.


Contacts & Relations

Mayaku, Kikyo: Eldest sister
Mayaku, Ayum: Youngest sister
Mayaku, Satom: Older sister
Hayashi, Kana: Fellow traveller

Family Ties

The Kitsune Caravan.

Religious Views

Worships the pantheon known as the Caravan.

A lively Kitsune firedancer with the blood of elemental planes in their body. Friendly (though sometimes defensive), they sit near the bottom position in regards to concerning behavior in the caravan. Now, they're off to see the world, family in tow!

View Character Profile
Neutral, leaning Neutral Good
Date of Birth
21 Sarenith
Shosan Taiyo (Kitsune Summer Solstice holy-day)
Current Residence
the road
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages

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