Kikyo Mayaku Character in Mythgate | World Anvil
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Kikyo Mayaku

Kikyo Mayaku (a.k.a. Foxglove)

A fox in the Mayaku caravan, she is the oldest of the Mayaku siblings. As such, she's developed a sort of maternal behavior for her family often acting in a caring manner. She is however, also a drug addict and very dumb so things often don't go like she thinks they would. She grows plants at the touch of her finger and can vines grow from her hands and wrap up her foes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kikyo has long blonde hair that reaches down to her waist. It's wavy and seems to find itself in seperate large strands. She is a D cup and slightly chubby.

Body Features

She has two fox ears on the top of her head and a long golden tail coming out from behind her. While she try's to keep her hair clean sticks and plants often get stuck in her hair and tail.

Facial Features

Kikyo pretty much always has a look of gentle happiness with a smile or a vacant smile that gives away that her brain has shut down.

Identifying Characteristics

Nothing is more identifying then her blonde hair and colorful outfits.

Physical quirks

When using magic she will grow tails made out of plant matter. These tails will then grow flowers and grass as thin and soft as fur before wilting away soon after.

Apparel & Accessories

While most don't notice it, she has many tools hidden on her belt covered by her tail. There are various gardening tools as well as alchemical tools belying that perhaps... she has more skills then is first apparent.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As the oldest of her siblings Kikyo has a very colorful history. Most of her childhood was spent playing around before her siblings arrived. However as she gained more and more family it became less about her having fun and more about taking care of her family. This however is difficult for her as she is not the brightest to start with and has fallen into an unfortunate habit of herbal drugs.

Gender Identity





None whatsoever to speak of. It's questionable if she can read or write.


While never having an official occupation kikyo has the talents to earn money if she so desires. Her skill with plants both magically and traditionally makes her an adept herbalist. That combined with her interest in the treatment of those herbs has led to a miniscule knowledge of alchemy (Though she's not very good at it)

Accomplishments & Achievements

None to speak of

Failures & Embarrassments

There are... quite a lot of embarassing failures to kikyo's past. Perhaps the one that most sticks out however was when she got lost in the closet because the candle went out.

Mental Trauma

One would think someone as happy as Kikyo would have a happy past. However that is not true. As the eldest she was one of the few to have been around when her grandfather was still alive. Her grandfather was a strict man and was not liberal in his belief that physical punishment was the solution to any failure. She was abused often and her body grew stronger for it. This also may have been what kicked off her maternal instincts when satomi was born. She also lost her best friend at the age of 8 to an undead skeleton. Bringing her to a hatred of undead and necromancers though most do not hear about this trait.

Morality & Philosophy

Kikyo is a believer in the green faith. And as such she likes to show respect to nature when she can. While not an official member of their clergy as she could not pass the knowledge tests she considers herself one none the less. She is mostly a go with the flow type of character unless something she can't stand happens.


Necromancy, Blatant disregard of nature, harming her family

Personality Characteristics


Kikyo has no real motivation to speak of aside from her own curiosity and desire to stay with her family. As her family seems more and more often to go outside safety it is only natural that she must as well and grow stronger for it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Any intellectual challenge is practically impossible for the girl. Whether it be critical thinking, knowledge, or observation. The only thing she has going for her is her incredibly resilient and agile body.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Green, Plants, Family, Alcohol, Drugs, Open minded people, Cuddling, Cleaning, Soba with buttered Mushrooms and green onions.   Dislikes: Disrespect of nature, Necromancy, Undead, Abberations, Racists, Thieves, Fire.

Virtues & Personality perks

If theres one thing Kikyo is good at, it's her familial attachment. She'll be there no matter what if friends or family need her even to her own detriment. She's also very resilient finding it no problem to take the punishment so someone else doesn't have too.

Vices & Personality flaws

She's not able to be clever, tactical, or really think about anything too complicated leading to a position of being ordered around rather then leading change herself.

Personality Quirks

Due to certain past events she has developed an addiction to cloudpuff and as such will often be found laying in fields of grass growing fruit bearing plants while high from the effect of the herb. She's very physically affectionate and as such hugs are a necessity much less common.


One would think a person so heavily invested in the natural way would have poor hygiene but due to their caravans traditions baths are a popular event and as such she has very good hygiene. That combined with her desire for cleanliness leads to her being rather well managed outside of her time outside in nature.


Contacts & Relations

Kikyo has several siblings including: Natsuo Mayaku (Sibling), Satomi Mayaku (Sister), Ayume Mayaku (Sister), Kana Hayashi (Close Friend)

Airheaded happy fox lady who has lots of plant powers. Loves her family and the wonders of plantlife. Does lots of drugs.

View Character Profile
True Neutral
Date of Birth
Desnus the 14th
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"My My" "Oh?" and "Geez silly" are commonly heard.
Known Languages
Common and Sylvan

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