Ayume Mayaku Character in Mythgate | World Anvil
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Ayume Mayaku

Ayume Mayaku

Ayume Mayaku is a dream mage, raised with her siblings in the kitsune caravans that wander the continent Tolreiya.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ayume has a fairly meek form. In terms of commonfolk, she falls around average, but is particularly frail among adventurers.

Body Features

Ayume's body in general features smooth skin, and moderate curves.

Facial Features

Ayume's most defining facial feature is her eyes, which glimmer a brilliant blue, though when using magic, some pastel pink swirls are known to be visible in them.

Identifying Characteristics

Her most notable feature, however, are her tails. Currently possessing two, her tails reveal her magical nature -- Practically floating, when her magical reserves are full, and falling limp when she's fairly empty. The natural fur on her tails, in particular, is an easy window for scholars to determine the forms of magic she can use, though she often keeps this dyed to avoid revealing her tricks.

Apparel & Accessories

Her apparel -- as most normal peoples' often do -- varies greatly. Though she favours bright, inviting colours.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Circumstances of Birth:   Born deep into the winter, Ayume, like many kitsune, possessed signs of a magical nature from the moment she was born. Her mother, Mayaku, chose to name her with reference to the magic Ayume would find herself naturally inclined towards -- the bizarre magic drawn from the dimension of dreams.   Ayume was the forth child born to the Mayaku family, all of which were born with largely different natures, largely due to varying fathers. Her eldest sister, Kikyo, played a large role in caring for her, as a child.     Childhood: Ayume was a playful child, enjoying playing with the bizarre nature of her magic, bringing small displays of her imagination to life in brief displays. She would often play with her magic as a way to to play jokes on her siblings and others in the caravan. She enjoyed using her magic, despite not having a firm grasp on making the illusions she created anything believable.     Her Second Tail, and Coma:   At the age of twelve, Ayume's second tail began to come in. With this seemingly small occurrence, her magic spiked in power. The nature of her magic -- magic drawn from the dimension of dreams -- pulled her into a coma that lasted around a week. While her mother and her sisters cared for her sleeping body, her mind was trapped wandering the Dimension of Dreams.   Her week in the chaotic plane was filled with constantly shifting around her as she wandered and incoherent encounters with normal dreamers. Worse than any of that, however, were the nightmares.   She spent most of her week in the Dimension of Dreams fleeing from living nightmares that would prey on dreamers -- She, in particular, much more enticing than a normal dreamer. Though her body was asleep and resting, this would remain particularly mentally exhausting for her, and her circumstances put her in particularly more danger from the nightmares, than would be typical.   This experience would continue until a mysterious stranger stepped in to aid her -- Another user of dream magic, who had noticed her plight in the sea of dreams. With this stranger's instruction, Ayume was able to shape a shelter of sorts within her own dreams -- a permanent shelter from the nightmares, within her dreams, which her magic allowed to even hold objects from the material.   After mastering this spike in her magic, with the teacher's help, Ayume was able to return to the world of the waking.     Magical Awakening:   After waking from her coma, Ayume began to make significant improvements on her magic. Her magic became more capable of interacting with other minds directly, as well as her own. As well, she picked up a few tricks to archive memories within the shelter in her dreams, which allowed her to vastly improve her memory on things she wished to commit to memory.   She also became far more capable of refining the illusions she created with her magic, creating illusions often difficult to distinguish from reality, though it would take a lot of time to improve them to what it is today.     Teenage Years:   As she properly entered her teenage years, Ayume began to develop far more on her hobbies and skills -- Partially out of it being time to start learning to provide something to the caravan, and partially out of a need for something to kill time while spending her time asleep sheltered in the shrine-like structure she took to residing in, in her dreams.   She often borrowed books from her middle sibling, Natsuo, to read throughout her time dreaming. Otherwise, she would practice her performance skills, or work on learning to sew, when materials were available to practice on.   WIP




The nomadic nature of the Mayaku family never lent itself well to a formal education. However, due to the nature of Ayume's magic, she had far more time than others to study, and a far more expansive potential to memorize things.


She lacks a proper career, but often does short stints of tailoring work, and street performances.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ayume shines most in her social skills and performances, but she's also fairly intelligent. Due to the nature of her magic, she spends a lot of the time she's asleep reading to pass the time.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Sewing
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Tambourine playing
  • Knowledge on the arcane
  • Knowledge on dreamscapes
  • Fashion
  • Climbing
  • Swimming
  • Navigation
  • Martial combat

Likes & Dislikes

  • Salmon Sashimi (Favourite Food)
  • Bright Colours
  • Playing pranks
  • Performing (Singing, dancing, playing the tambourine)
  • Sewing
  • Reading
  • Sleeping (Often particularly cuddly)
  • Swimming (Despite how bad at proper swimming she is)
  • Nightmares

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Sleeps in often.
  • Fatigues easily -- Weak lungs.
  • Struggles to use magic when emotional.

Personality Quirks

Speaks in third person.


Bathes regularly.


Contacts & Relations

Close Friend: Kana Hayashi

Family Ties

Mother: Mayaku Eldest Sister: Kikyo Middle Siblings: Satomi, Natsuo

Religious Views

Casual reverence to Daikitsu and Grandmother Spider.

Social Aptitude

While not practiced with social skills, she possesses a well above-average charisma.


Speaks in third person.

Ayume is the youngest of the Mayaku siblings. She enjoys performing, pranks, sewing, and sleep. She specializes in dream-based magic.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
On the continent of Tolreiya, near Reiya's Run
Current Residence
Nomadic Lifestyle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Gnome, and Sylvan

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Ayume's Diary, Entry 1
1st of Abadius, Year 1

(Just as an OOC note, for those reading. This is written in third person, because Ayume prefers third person.)   Abadius 1st,   Ayume went on her first official adventure with her sisters, so Ayume has decided to write them down as best she can.   Ayume and her older siblings, Kikyo and Natsuo, took a job to help some merchants. They had been being robbed repeatedly, so Ayume and the others were to protect the caravan. Ayume met a lot of new faces, on the trip! Ayume thinks the strangest, though, was the blind one who required a wheelchair. She held her own in a fight, of course, with her strange floating swords tricks, but Ayume still thinks it's strange to adventure in that state.   The first night of the trip, Ayume's camp was attacked by goblins. One jumped on Big Sis, and wouldn't let go. None of them understood Common, so Ayume's lullabies didn't seem to work. Ayume'll have to remember to come up with more tricks when that doesn't work. Ayume's illusions didn't appear very effective, though she did seem to scare the wizard among them enough that it lost its focus. After dealing with the ambush, Ayume and her companions finished resting, and carried on in the morning.   The next day, Ayume's group reached a lumberyard where deliveries had been previously being made, in the Avem Forest. Big Sis was pretty mad about the cutting of the forest. There Ayume's companions discovered that more goblins had taken the site over, along with an ogre. In the midst of the fight, Ayume actually killed one herself. Killing something directly doesn't feel right to Ayume, but she didn't really have much of a choice. The fighting ended fairly quickly, and after investigating, Ayume's group found some stashed goods and ledgers. Ayume studied the ledgers that night, and found that the merchants were involved in some fairly shady dealings, but Ayume is refraining from getting involved with that, for now.