The Fading Condition in Mythador | World Anvil
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The Fading

Most people will never see it, but sometimes a figure sitting in a tavern or an inn will catch your eye. They may be staring at the wall in silence, seemingly unaffected by anything around them, with an untouched drink in front of them. Sometimes it is a cloaked and hooded figure, with features that cannot be seen, sometimes the figure seems perfectly normal. Until you see it. It's the eyes that hold the secret. If you look into their eyes, there is nothing there. The light, the spark that marks all mortal beings is gone. They may be walking, they may be carrying on a conversation with you, but they are no longer among the living.
  • Darren LePual, Archren Explorer and Diplomat to Shalden.
  • Causes

    If used too often, or too much, the water of the Elemental Springs can become addicting, resulting in the user being under constant influence of their elemental and healing powers. This will eventually result in a sort of fading away from the world, where the user is partly in the physical realm and partly in the elemental one. This strain on the mortal form which was never meant to occur will lead to eventual death, though the healing powers of the water will prolong the process far beyond what would be considered humane.


    The effected party will begin to fade; first in their eyes, where it will look as if the light is slowly going out, then physically throughout their body. They will slowly, but progressively, become less physical, and more see through. They will lose their appetite, gradually ceasing to eat, which will cause them to waste away physically as well. They will become increasingly less aware of their surroundings and will often seem to be staring off into space. The longer the condition is allowed to progress, the more they will become aware of the elemental world, and the less present they will be in the physical one. They will become a literal shadow of their former selves.


    The only treatment is to stop all usage of Elemental Magic. It will not reverse the damage done to the body and soul, but if caught fast enough, the affected party could go on to live a healthy and fairly normal life for years. However, they must never be allowed access to the elemental magic again, lest they revert and become even more affected by it.


    Most likely to lead to death, whether through a fading away to nothingness, or through starvation as the body no longer craves food. It is unknown what happens to the souls of those who fade away; whether they are truly and spiritually dead, or whether they are doomed to wander for eternity. For all practical purposes however, they are certainly physically dead.


    Symptoms of starvation, or accidental wounds caused by a lack of attendance to their physical surroundings become more common as the disease progresses.

    Affected Groups

    Elemental Guards


    Limiting oneself where it comes to Elemental Magic can keep one safe from the effects of the Fading.

    Cultural Reception

    Victims of Spring Fading are often feared and regarded as some kind of wight or ghost. Those who are at least somewhat cognizant of the physical realm will often wear cloaks to cover their faces, and gloves to hide their fading hands.
    Chronic, Acquired

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