Vincent One-Eye Character in Mystria | World Anvil
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Vincent One-Eye

Vincent Mystria, commonly known as the One-Eyed Mystria, was a renowned war hero hailing from the kingdom of Mystria. Born in the ancestral lands of his forebears, amidst the majestic mountains of the Northern Reaches, Vincent possessed an extraordinary abundance of arcane mana within his body. This posed a dire threat to his life, as the world suffered from a scarcity of mana, unable to meet his insatiable magical requirements. The news of his birth swiftly reached King Tomas at Somerset, prompting him to abdicate the throne to his eldest son and mysteriously vanish from the castle.   A miraculous turn of events occurred shortly after the king's disappearance, as the magic permeating the world experienced a significant surge, providing Vincent with the necessary sustenance to survive and grow. This phenomenon also led to a rise in the number of children born with inherent talents in arcane magic. However, unable to control their burgeoning powers, these young magic users were apprehended by a figure known as Master Durian. They were subsequently transported to an academy where they would be taught not only to harness their magical abilities but also receive comprehensive education, instilled with values of patriotism, survival skills, tactics, logistics, and even the forbidden arts of blood sacrifice, Outsider summoning, and necromancy.   Upon mastering their magical capabilities, the students were presented with two choices: they could either return home under the oath of never utilizing magic again, or they could opt to continue their studies at the academy and pledge their service to Mystria. While many chose to reunite with their families, those who remained became the backbone of Mystria in the ensuing generation. With a single wizard capable of decimating a small professional army, the collective strength of the nearly hundred wizards trained by Master Durian played a crucial role in safeguarding the kingdom. These students were subsequently dispatched to vital positions throughout the realm, tasked with providing support and serving the kingdom in various capacities.   Vincent Mystria was assigned to Stonehill Citadel, the northern gateway located near his ancestral home and the dwelling place of his mother's people. However, the tranquility would not endure, as rumors of a resurgent Orcish horde in the Northern Reaches began to circulate. Exploratory missions dispatched to investigate the situation never returned, presumed to have fallen victim to the Orcs and their Goblin slaves. Preparations for war commenced within the Citadel, as it had never succumbed to enemy forces before, with the expectation that reinforcements would arrive to annihilate the horde, as had been the case on previous occasions. Nevertheless, an unforeseen factor disrupted these assumptions: the newfound power of the Orcish shamans, who, akin to the humans, had experienced a substantial increase in numbers due to the recent shifts in the world.   Dozens of Shamans launched a relentless assault on Stonehill Citadel, overwhelming the three resident wizards. While individually the human wizards possessed superior power, their combined might barely sufficed to keep themselves alive. One by one, the wizards grew fatigued and resorted to the dark practice of blood sacrifice, offering their own blood and flesh in exchange for fleeting bursts of power. Eventually, the two remaining wizards met their fates, one perishing in a fiery blaze of glory that obliterated hundreds of Orc warriors, and the other succumbing to the onslaught of a group of collaborating Shamans.   Amidst the chaos, Vincent Mystria was instructed by the commander to retreat, given his status as a child of Mystria's royal family and the potentially devastating blow his death would deliver to the morale of the kingdom's inhabitants. Rejecting this command, Vincent resolved to make his final stand atop the crumbling walls. Eyewitnesses who were present attested to his words as he brandished a knife before him, his voice resolute. "I, Vincent Mystria, sacrifice my eye! Grant me the power to vanquish those who threaten my family, my country!" He momentarily paused, adding, "And my son!" With unflinching determination, he thrust the knife deep into his left eye socket, igniting an explosion of radiant silver light. In that ephemeral moment, he transformed into a god-like entity, adorned with wings of light, his white hair floating around his head, and his remaining right eye emanating a luminous brilliance. Subsequently, Vincent descended upon the Orcs, leaving a trail of death and destruction in his wake. With every glance, swing of his arm, or movement he made, the Orcs met gruesome ends, torn apart, exploded, twisted inside out, or withered away like dried fruit. Their shamans, in particular, suffered an agonizing fate, their eyes bursting from their skulls in fountains of blood whenever they attempted to harness their magical abilities.   Within a matter of minutes, the Orcish horde lay decimated, with tens of thousands of their warriors slain and only a mere few hundred fleeing for their lives. Amidst the carnage, Vincent stood resplendent as a god of war. Suddenly, the radiant light dissipated, revealing Vincent's battered form, pierced by numerous arrows, and covered in wounds inflicted by swords and axes. By the time the soldiers managed to open the gates and reach him, Vincent had already passed away. His left eye was conspicuously absent, as if it had never existed, leaving behind only an empty socket, while his remaining right eye had turned white, distinct from its previous silver hue.   Later that year, Vincent's son was born, bearing a single Eye of Mystria, while the other eye displayed the distinctive colors associated with the Elementalist people.
Current Status
Circumstances of Birth
Born in the middle of winter, silver eyes fused with white.
Circumstances of Death
Overexpenditure of magical power, including sacrifice magic.
Mountains of Brawnlyn
Place of Death
Battle of Stonehill
Silver Right Eye, Left Eye Socket Empty
Shaggy White Hair and unkempt beard.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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