King Kobyak Sekelsko Character in Myrna | World Anvil
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King Kobyak Sekelsko

King, Sekelsko (a.k.a. Kobyak the Dragon)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

King Kobyak of the House Sekelsko was born in the Summer Palace of Velegrot in 451st year of the Division Era. When he was young his grandfather King Vitomir VI abdicated after the mental scars of a brutal war with the Ferech made him incapable of ruling. Kobyak's Father Sviatomir II ruled as a reformer and wanted to raise his heir with the same innovative outlook. Sviatomir's tutelage of the young prince was cut short following his assassination in 3-467. The culprit was none other than Kobyak's own maid, who was also spy from Cyrakul. After his ascension to the throne his first act was to declare war on the Lavishotamid Empire. Following a failed Naval defense of the Gulf of Velesko he personally lead a fighting retreat from the coast followed by the encirclement of the entire Lavishot Army of the Sea. During the brief stalemate King Kobyak finished his father's modernization of the Polovian Military. The modernization would see the complete retirement of heavy infantry and Polovian Archers and in their place and Army of standardized Polovian Strelets would accompany the Hussars.
  the First test of these new units would be at the Battle of Ichaman Forest Where the Vanguard of the quarter million man Polovian Army Shattered the Lavishotamid Army of the North. It was only after 95,000 Polovians and nearly 750,000 Lavishotamids lay dead on the field of battle that it was discovered that the maid was in fact working on behalf of the Ferech Republic. King Kobyak would sign an Agreement with the Regent of the Empire before returning home. What followed was the near destruction of the Republic of Ferech.
  In his infamous March to Nesas; King Kobyak personally ordered the territories of Nerium and Essania to be returned to the Lavishotamid Empire as reparations. The trail of destruction from Essanian border to the Capital City of Ferech accounted for five percent of all Ferech men over the age of sixteen. At the gates of the old Dwarven city the Twenty-year old King Challenged the Consul to a personal duel. When the Consul mocked his army for having no siege engines the young King ordered the entirety of the Army's 100,000 barrels of gunpowder be stacked against the walls of the city before being lit. The Ferech Legionnaires on the walls mocked them every minute of the slow assault calling them cowards just before a tenth of the entire city was vaporized. In total over 3 million Ferech were killed in the expedition and the wagons that once held gunpowder were filled with plunder and brought back to Polovia.
  These conflicts in his early reign gave him the title by most foreigners as Kobyak the Dragon. His awareness of the loss of life that he witnessed first hand made King Kobyak less prone to large scale violence. After hostilities between Polovia and the Lavishot Empire and Ferech Republic came to an end, Kobyak The Dragon would again cause tensions across the continent when he briefly served as regent over both the Kingdoms of Valthia and Aldvintia from 3-476 to 3-481. There were fears across the continent that King Kobyak would absorb the two kingdoms into a Polovian Empire. However, once his second cousin Princess Saraya of the House Tvintian came of age, Kobyak the Dragon relinquished control of a newly Formed Commonwealth to the young Queen. Though this commonwealth has raised questions of regional stability as the Snow Elf nobility of the south question why they should be ruled by a twenty-one year old girl over the thirty-five year old king that provides superior protection, greater privileges, and a more experienced administration.

Mental Trauma

The loss of his father at a young age has made King Kobyak suspicious of foreigners that aren't from his elven marches. The value of human life and how easily he can order it away is occasionally something he has dwelled on after his infamous March to Nesas. This war trauma hasn't affected him the same way as his grandfather but it has given him a hidden fear of declaring war.

Morality & Philosophy

King Kobyak is a largely traditional Polovian King. He firmly rejects the idea of the Immortal Emperor being anything other than an undying fossil. The idea that his gods given duty is the defense of the Elves from the Republic of Ferech. To him the Elected Consols are nothing more than despots that rule under the illusion of the people having power to hide their illegitimacy. To him the Kingdoms of the Elves and his own Polovia are superior to the half Dwarven republic in every way other than the ability to breed like rats and accrue money from what he views as 'dishonorable industries.' In his youth he saw nothing wrong with retaliatory violence yet with maturity he has adopted a mentality of surgical assassination


Being a traditional Velesko he believes the use of magic in combat is dishonorable and unbecoming of a warrior this has done little for him to maintain the support of the High Elves.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Polovia, Duke of Sekel, elector of the Valthian-Aldvintian Commonwealth, Count of Velegrot, Grand Master of the Order King Radim I, Lord Protector of the Elves, King-Regent of Valthia and Aldvintia (3-476 to 3-481)
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
King Kobyak it uniquely adept at language among the leaders of Myrna in that he is multilingual. He speaks all four elven languages and can even speak some Ofrinburgish.

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