Order of Ohim Organization in Myrium | World Anvil
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Order of Ohim

The Order of Ohim is another offspring of the monasteries that sprouted about 150 years ago working towards its own goal while still remaining somewhat loyal to the Observers of Ohim often serving as guards for the temples and seeking wisdom from them during desperate times.   The main differences between the Order of Ohim and the Unblinded is that the order is based on a pyramid hierarchy where members can work their way up to further greatness while The Unblinded is a community of individuals working towards the same goal.   There is no beating around the bush when it comes to the order. They are fanatics in their own way, warpriests who keep the balance of life in check by seeking out all those who venture too far into the extreme and eliminating that threat if necessary.   They see a Necromancer who is willing to kill women and children of a human race for his greater good as a threat as well as a paladin who sees fit to slaughter a whole village of orcs (or even undead or vampires) for his greater good. Those two extreme examples are equally threatening in the eyes of a warpriest.   The warpriests are to be feared as well because when faced with one the battle is not only to prove physical strength but also your willpower.


The first tier of the order is called Ohim's Eyes. They are emissaries, scouts, low-priority guards and also second line of defense. The second tier are the Warpriests. They are battle hardened superiors from which The Eyes take their orders from. It is a great honor to gain the rank of Warpriest of Ohim but in order to claim that title one must succeed a challenging trial made to test their willpower to a new level. The Warpriests consist of front line fighters, commanders, special operations, high security guard duty and training officers.   The third tier is a council comprised of the highest ranking warpriests that make sure the order is fulfilling its purpose. From there final decisions are made and if someone breaks the rules they are presented in front of the council for a trial fitting to the severity of their crime. If really important matters need to be discussed they are first discussed by individual councils of the colony the order resides in and then a representative from each order is sent to a high council meeting to discuss the matter further.
Religious, Holy Order
Training Level

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