Followers of the Hunt Organization in Myrium | World Anvil
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Followers of the Hunt

Name: Dolundera   The God of: The Hunt, Wilderness, Animals   Alignment: Neutral   Typical Worshipers: Barbarians, Rangers, Humans, Beasts, Druids   Description: She is usually depicted as a young woman dressed in leather armor and equipped with a hunting bow and a quiver of arrows.  


Temples are led by a priest, but beyond that are individual entities without a larger "church" structure. Priests pray to Dolundera for visions of what animal to hunt, and are usually met with an animal that has been proven to be a problem and needs to be kulled. From there the Priest sends out the Hunters that attend the temple to track and kill the animal. Hunters could use their weapon of choice but traditionally used a bow or a spear and would only take the shot if they knew they could drop it in one arrow or thrust of the spear.


Followers of Dolundera tend to be humble folk that honor animals above all else. They kill only for food, and if an animal has been proven a threat, and even then they ensure that they kill their prey swiftly with a single hit. Their movements in the hunts mimic that of predators, and each hunters part plays to their strengths. They find anyone that kills for fun or uses more than one shot to be no better than scavengers unless their prey is notably more substantial than the average stag or boar. Followers of Dolundera are also generally hermits, coming together once a week at the Temple to go forth on a hunt with their fellow worshippers. This provides each of the hunters and the Temple Priest with food for the week. Anything extra is given to those in need who cannot hunt or fend for themselves. The remains of their hunt is never wasted. Skin gets turned into leather, tendons to sinew, bones to tools, and so forth. What can be saved and reused is. The Spirits of the animals killed during the First Hunt are regarded as Temple Protectors. The Temple Protectors are spirits of the animals that were killed during the First Hunt of each temple and honored on the Temples’ Altar. Imagery of the animal and the weapon that killed it are placed all over the temple alongside Dolunderas’ signature Stag with Arrows. The animals spirit is imbued with some of the Goddesses power and remains on Temple grounds, keeping is safe from threats from the Spirit Realm and empowering hunters to keep it safe from more physical threats.


Temples in the Woods   Weapons for the Hunt


It is believed that the worship of Dolundera was among the first religions, some temples dating back to when the races were leaving their primitive states.

One arrow. One kill.

Religious, Divine Host
Related Ethnicities

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