Cult of Saethja Organization in Myrium | World Anvil
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Cult of Saethja

Saethja’s religion is a mystery cult, exclusively governed by priestesses. She has few temples, though almost every city or village along the shorelines of the Red Sea and the Northrime have seaside shrines dedicated to her appeasement. Where her temples still stand, the structures are often quite old, ruins built on top of ruins over ancient sacred sea caves.   The Cult of Saethja revolves around what they call the Tri-Fold Mysteries. Some sects are dedicated midwives, with sacred birthing pools that are said to ease the pains of labor. Others orders are oracles, performing auguries with entrails or through divine scrying pools. Yet others perform funerary services, the priestesses almost exclusively being widows, cleansing the bodies of the dead and burying them at sea.

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