The Sol Mountain range Geographic Location in Myriad: The realm of Terra | World Anvil
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The Sol Mountain range

The natural border between Waugmala and Torovaur.


The Sol mountain range shares quite a bit with its mother, Mount Sol Somnum. The earth's orange color, the barren landscape & the heat to a lesser degree. The mountain range spans the entirety of the Waugmala Region from East to West. To the West, the range ends with the crossing of the Great river Nereinesis which runs parallel for some distance. On the East side, the Sol and Hollhaun mountain ranges connect. But while, Hollhaun ends once it reaches Sol, the latter continues to extend Eastward for another 100 Kilometres or so.

Natural Resources

Once again, the Sol mountain range shares many of the same gifts as Mount Sol Somnum including rubies and magma stones. These resources are much smaller however.
Alternative Name(s)
North Waugmala border
Mountain Range
Location under

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