Tallheight Tree Material in Myriad: The realm of Terra | World Anvil
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Tallheight Tree

Part of Torovaur's defining scenery.


Material Characteristics

As the name implies, the Tallheight trees are impressive in size reaching on average 60 to 70 meters in height. Their trunks are large measuring approximately one meter in diameter with a rugged texture. Additionally, a spiraling pattern is visible the whole length of the tree. These trees have no branches extending from the trunk, save for the top where it splits into multiple smaller sections which connect to its leaves. The Tallheight tree's leaves are large and wide. The leaves closest to the trunk are typically found drooping downwards while the smaller leaves found on the outside tend to grow upward before bending downward.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The lumber obtainable from the Tallheight tree is just as good as any other. /meanwhile, the huge leaves are excellent for using in a variety of crafts.

Geology & Geography

These trees are only found within the forests of the Torovaur Region, specifically down in the Torodon valley.
A nice mix of light brown spots on a burgundy surface for the trunk & a vivid green with yellow stripes for the leaves.
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