Journey to Alnexia in Myriad: The realm of Terra | World Anvil
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Journey to Alnexia

Featuring: Thomas Franc, Kate Silon, Aaron Belfast & Aramis Dunnal

Chapter 1 The two days afforded to Thomas in order to make preparations had already passed. Standing just outside the Eastern gate atop his mare, Thomas gazed over the horizon into the dim light that marked the crack of dawn. The sky was still dark with the slightest hint of the familiar blue of day. Meanwhile the sun’s golden rays crept up from behind Touscanor, a mountain range Thomas knew only by name.   He sniffled as a cool Northern breeze swept across his face. He sat motionless except for the occasional sway of his mare, Thomas thought back to the moment, two days prior, when the news was broken to him by commander Belfast himself. He had been specially selected to accompany the commander and Kate Silon to escort none other than Councilman Aramis Dunnal himself to the Township of Alnexia. According to the commander, this was to be part of his guardsmen training. Nonetheless, this came as quite a shock. The other recruits, including his friends, were all assigned different tasks of course, but Thomas was the only one given such a monumental job. Had he done something different? Why should he be chosen over any one else? These questions continued to puzzle him even now as he waited outside the gates of his home.   Thomas turned to the left when Kate’s mount huffed, lowering his head in the process. Kate stroked its neck while speaking softly to him. Her short blond hair managed to glisten in what little light there currently was. Next to her stood commander Belfast atop his regal looking Middterhanian black steed. His stern expression fixed to the North-East. All three horses were lightly equipped sporting nothing but a saddle and provision pouch. The same applied to Thomas, Kate and the commander. They had left their regular guardsmen attire in favor of lighter leather jerkins, gloves and boots with a thick cape to ward of the cold.   Before long, Kate now returning to an upright position, noticed Thomas’s vacant stare. She smirked before addressing him. “Oi! You awake yet?” Thomas quickly snapped out of his daze before answering. “Sorry, sorry… I don’t think I slept more than an hour last night. Couldn’t stop thinking, you know.” Thomas looked away feeling his cheeks redden with embarrassment. “You’re going to have to beef up if you want any chance at becoming a true soldier.” Kate replied in a condescending and, somehow, amicable tone. “What good are we if we can’t even fight our own drowsiness?” She said while stretching her arms out over her head.   At that same moment came the familiar chuckle of the commander as he strode up in front of the two. “What do you think he’s out here with us for, Kate? This’ll be perfect experience for the likes of him.” He then signaled his mount to pivot so he would be facing the young recruit. “This is your first time outside of Grandalheim ain’t it?” Thomas squared up in his seat. “That’s right commander.” He answered looking at his superior in the eye. Belfast let out another chuckle at this. “Heh heh, relax fella. No need to be so formal out here.” At this, Thomas suddenly realized he was holding his breath.   Another gust of cool wind passed over the trio while Thomas regained his composure. “Remind me Thomas, where are you from?” Asked the commander. “Me? I’m from… Here. From Grandalheim...” At this, Kate interrupted. “Well, we know that! Whereabouts in Grandalheim? You must have a family?” Thomas turned red in the cheeks all over again. “My family lives in the South district of Grandalheim Castletown. My father is a butcher there-”. Before he could continue, Kate interrupted again. “Wait, do you mean Mr. Franc’s shop? Just passed the central fountain?” Thomas nodded. Kate’s face lit up. “Small world! My mum used to buy your father's goods before we moved over to the Eastern district. Course I had to have been no more than 4 or 5 back then. How is the old man?”   “He’s doing well. My mother and brother are helping with the shop. So did I, until I enlisted to become a guardsmen.” Thomas glanced away now thinking back on the memories of his family. “That would explain why you keep your weapons and tools in such good shape I’d imagine.” Belfast said now crossing his arms. Before any more could be said, the loud sound of the inner gate resonated throughout the air as the heavy doors slowly opened. “Well its about time.” Commander Belfast muttered under his breath. Passing through the gate came Aramis alongside his horse. Once he’d gotten close enough, he quickly addressed the group. “My sincerest apologies for the delay. I know I’m the one who request we depart at dawn. I thank you for your patience.” Aramis gave a long bow as if to emphasize his apology. Just like the rest, Aramis was lightly adorned, wearing little else than leather attire save for his undershirt which identified him as a Councilman of the Human Royalty. Belfast was first to address him. “Not a problem Councilman Dunnal. It is an honor to escort, not only a member of the royal council, but master Loyd Dunnal’s son himself.” Belfast bowed in return. “You’re too kind commander Belfast. Of all possible candidates, I am glad to have you.” Aramis smiled revealing his ivory teeth, all the while the sun shone on his black hair making his figure seem just as regal as his title would lead to believe.   Belfast quickly retorted. “Come now, call me Aaron.” He then turned to Thomas before continuing. “And that goes for you too Thomas. It will be a long journey if I have to hear commander this or commander that.” Aramis continued to smile. “Very well Aaron.” He then turned to Thomas. “Thomas is it? I’ve heard a little about you. It is a pleasure to meet you.” He extended his hand which Thomas firmly grasped before weakly uttering. “It’s an honor…”   Finally, Aramis turned his attention to Kate. “And Kate Silon, always a pleasure.” “The pleasure’s all mine Mr. Councilman. At least I know this journey won’t be boring with you around.” The two exchanged a handshake just as Thomas had. Then, Aaron spoke up. “Are we done acquainting ourselves now? The sun is now visible over the Touscanor mountains. I believe it is high time we set out.” He then made his mount pivot in the direction of their destination before being interrupted by Aramis.   “On more second if you please. I have something for you all.” He then reached within a pouch hidden under his cloak to reveal 4 small vials of some strange liquid. Aramis then made his way to all three members of the group handing a vial to each. “Think of this as an apology for my tardiness. If you are unaware, these are stamina potions. These will heighten our endurance hopefully allowing us to continue straight through with room for one or two rest stops. Forgive me, but I’d like to reach Alnexia before sundown.” He then returned to his mount where he opened the provision pouch on its back. “Fair warning, this concoction is horribly bitter which is why I also brought sweet tarts to counter the taste.” Once again, he made the rounds, this time offering delicious looking flat tarts with a strawberry jelly smeared on top.   Thomas held the vial up to his nose and to his surprise, the greenish liquid had no sent. He then noticed that everyone except for him had already downed their helping. Everyone made a grimace while Kate also let out a sort of yelp emphasizing her displeasure. Thomas stood still looking at everyone, when Kate finally caught wind of this, she spoke up. “Come on now! It’s your turn Tom.” Tom snapped to look at her as she was motioning her arms in his direction. Now everyone had their eyes set on him. “One big gulp Thomas. Don’t think about it too much.” Aaron’s words of encouragement left little influence as Thomas lifted the vial to his lips. When he noticed he was slowly tilting the vial up, he quickly took the advice of his commander and, in one quick motion, raised the vial upside down draining its contents. Aramis did not lie; the liquid burned the inside of his throat which then caused Thomas to cough uncontrollably. Of course, the rest of the party had a good laugh at poor Thomas’s expense. Before long, Aramis reminded everyone to eat the tart which would help remove the taste. Thomas finished his treat with two bites while the others took their time and savored every bite. And with that, the group was finally on their way.   Chapter 2 This was in fact Thomas’s first adventure outside of his home of Grandalheim. Fortunately, this journey was near perfect for a first time. The day turned out to be wonderful with a clear blue sky with only the occasional white cloud passing overhead. The green fields of Middterh were beautiful and lively with the sounds of animals echoed from all around. Along the way, they met few travelers. A few other Humans seemingly heading South and what was most likely a Soarion flying high above their heads. The group did not stop for conversation as they were pressed for time according to Aramis.   By the time the Sun reached its pinnacle in the sky signifying mid-day, the group decided to take a short rest to eat and give a break to their horses. To Thomas’s surprise, he did not feel weary at all. He had never ridden a horse for such a long time before. Though he winced at the thought of drinking another drop of that potion, he could not deny its effect.   The party veered off the path to a nearby grove so they may shield themselves from the sun. They tied their horse’s reigns to the trees and fetched for the food inside their provision pouches. An old fallen tree trunk served as an adequate bench where both Aaron and Aramis sat down. Kate meanwhile opted to perform a few more stretches just a few paces away. As for Thomas, he stayed standing looking through at the fields and the grove just taking in the sights. For a while, everyone stayed silent happily chewing through their rations of apples, bread and sipping water from their gourds. The rustling of leaves in the wind mixed with the singing of birds made for something Thomas had never experienced while living inside the walls of Grandalheim.   “Quite a sight isn’t it?” Aramis was the first to break the silence. Thomas turned around to face him. All he could muster was a simple nod. “If you don’t mind me asking.” Aramis continued. “What made you want to join the guardsmen?” Thomas paused thinking the question over. Kate, now finished with her little routine, was now standing next to the group. “Well, every boy dreams of becoming a knight at some point.” Thomas began. “I guess… When the opportunity presented itself, I took it. I thought; this is what I can do to protect the things I love.”   Commander Belfast could do nothing but smile while he uttered: “Such a noble boy. It puts a tear to my eye, hahaha!” He finished with his familiar hardy laugh. As if they were taking turns, Kate chimed in next. “Butcher’s life not for ya?” Thomas had to think about Kate’s remark. But before he could reply, she continued. “Don’t you worry, I can understand that. When I was younger, all the pretty girls would talk about is finding the perfect husband. For me, I don’t know, it never sat well with me. You see, I’m the type who clears her own path and once I joined the Guardsmen, no more talk of marriage. Suits me perfectly.” She stood there, hands on her hips with a warm grin on her face.   “Hear hear.” Replied Belfast, his eyes closed. Aramis nodded his head in turn. Thomas was thinking about what Kate said and how it related to his decisions when he felt compelled to ask a question that troubled him since the journey began. “I’d like to ask you a question as well… If I may.” Once Thomas uttered those words, he suddenly felt small amidst his fellow compatriots. “Ask away, my boy.” Answered the commander. Thomas took a deep breath. “I’d like to know why I was chosen to go with you on this journey? I understand that it is part of my training but, none of the others were assigned anything so… important. And why me? Why not any of the others?”   At this, the commander stood up. “That’s simple!” He said following another chuckle. “You see, when word spread that our Councilman Dunnal here desired to make his way to Alnexia, a team had to be put together for the safety of his excellence. I believe I was picked because of our history together, isn’t that right Aramis?” Aramis Nodded. “That’s right. Before I became a Councilman, Aaron accompanied me many times across Terra. What’s more, Aaron trained under my father some time ago.” Belfast, now looking skyward, continued. “Yes, old Loyd. Gods rest his soul. A respectable man through and through.”   Thomas was now sitting on the ground patiently listening for the answer to his question. The commander regained his composure then continued. “The mighty Kate Silon was chosen because of her skills and well… I just enjoy her company.” He then let out another of his famous laughs. Kate simply rolled her eyes before crossing her arms. Once Aaron had calmed down, he continued. “And finally, you Thomas, you continue to sell yourself short. I’ve been your commander for the past seven months. Don’t think for a second that I haven’t noticed your hard work.”   Thomas could once again feel his blood rush to his cheek. It is true that he had known commander Belfast for some time now, and compliments did not come often. “I will say, the timing of this quest and the special conditions given to us by Aramis did influence our decision.” Belfast was now stroking his chin. “As you know, all new recruits have now entered the field training part of the curriculum. Each commander or veteran must take one or two recruits under their wing during this time. As for the conditions, according to Aramis we are uncertain what sort of information we may uncover at the end of this. Information that may need to be kept secretive. And so, what better choice that Thomas Franc.   Once the commander finished, Thomas stared blankly forward. He felt just as confused as he did before. Aramis noticed the uncertainty in his eyes and spoke up. “Regardless of the reason, I am glad to have met you Thomas.” He got up from the fallen log and reached out to Thomas in order to help him to his feet. With the two, now standing in front of one another, Aramis placed a hand on Thomas’s shoulder. “I see great potential in you and I don’t doubt the choice made by your commander.” Aramis gave him a quick pat on the same shoulder before turning towards the horses. “Come friends. It is getting late and we still have a ways to go.” The group returned to their respective horse when Aaron spoke up. “From here, we continue until we reach Alnexia. If you need to empty yourself, I suggest you do it now.” Only after Aaron had spoken did Thomas suddenly realise just how much he had to drink during the first half of the journey. He quickly warned the rest that he’d go around the bend of the grove to relive himself outside of their view.   Thomas had finished before long. He could barely hear the others as he finished tying up his britches. He was about to return to the group when a strange noise caught his attention. A sort of groaning could be heard from somewhere nearby. Thomas, wanting to see want kind of animal could make such a sound thought carefully about his next move. He knew the others must have been waiting for him so he decided he would pass through the woods. This way, it would cut the length of time needed to walk around the grove plus, give him a chance to spot the strange animal.   Thomas was not able to take a single step inside the grove without crushing a branch making a loud snapping sound. By the time he took the next step, the grove became quiet. Thomas continued inside keeping the outside of the grove to his left and looking all around the right side for this elusive creature. Once he had walked what must have been 5 metres, he swore he saw movement behind a low bush between the roots of the trees to his right. Unknowingly, Thomas was now slowly making his way towards the bush, deeper in the grove. The grove remained silent save for the soft rustling of leaves. Thomas crept closer to the bush when suddenly, whatever was hiding behind it disappeared in a flash of darkness behind the tree nearby. Whatever it was, it moved too fast for Thomas to identify any features. Realizing where he has, Thomas promptly doubled back in order to join his friends.   As soon as he turned to face the outside of the grove did a cacophony of growls, sneers and roars make themselves apparent all around him. Following the demented screeches came the monstrous cause of these noises. No less than five of these small hairy fiends pop up from behind the trees and bushes with their hideous mouths wide open showing their fangs and their eyes shone like yellow flames. Some had crudely sharpened branches as weapons while others widened their fingers to reveal claws at their tips. Before he knew it, Thomas had been pushed up against a tree while the group of monsters surrounded him now chanting. “HUM! HUM! HUM!” Thomas reached for his hip only to release a quiet gasp when realizing that his sword & hilt had been left behind with his mare. He found the weight of carrying his blade taxing and had unlatched it while they rested. He then looked up just in time to see one of the monsters swing his makeshift weapon at his head. He ducked to avoid the blow just in time. The assailant hit the tree behind him and let out a screech at having missed his target. The others began to close in now chanting: “EAT. EAT. HUM. EAT.” Thomas was now sitting, his back against the wall as the 5 creatures raised their weapons and claws. Truth be told, Thomas remembers little after this point. Once he regained his composure enough to understand what was going on around him, he noticed the tree large figures thrashing about in front of him. The sounds of agony filled the air mixed with the seemingly triumphant screams of a familiar voice. It is then that Thomas realized that Kate, Aaron and Aramis had come to his rescue. The three advanced fearlessly on what remained of the assailants. When Aramis suddenly turned around with a panicked expression across his face, Thomas mustered the strength to glance to his left where a stray monster sprang in his direction with a stone in its hand.   Aramis quickly lunged his right arm forward and from it, a powerful gust of wind emerged hitting the charging foe and launching it behind the trees. Aramis then dashed in pursuit of the now dazed creature and pierced its hearth. The creature let out a howling screech before it fell to the ground where it promptly turned to ooze in the blink of an eye.   Before he knew it, Aramis had come to Thomas helping him on his feet. All he could muster to say was: “What… Happened to it?” While Thomas, with the help of Aramis, made their way back to the horses, Aaron and Kate followed behind all while cleaning their weapons. Calmly, Aramis answered Thomas’s question. “They were Grouchlings. Monsters that inhabit our world. They are unnatural, mutants supposedly formed by evil magic. I suppose they are as unnatural in death as they are in life. They always turn to sludge after being killed.”   Once the group had returned to their horses, Aramis sat Thomas down on the fallen trunk. He then made his way to his provisions pouch while Aaron and Kate stayed at his side. The commander held his hand over his shoulder. His stern expression fixed on the young boy. As for Kate, Thomas noticed something different about her. It was subtle, could she be expressing… Concern? Before any more questions could be asked, Aramis returned holding another sweet tart in his hand. He offered it to Thomas, who was now looking up to him. “I was holding on to these for later but, I think you need it now. It will make you feel better.” Thomas took it and could only nibble at the treat.   While Thomas slowly regained his strength, the remaining trio talked among themselves. Kate spoke first. “Any reason what a bunch of Grouchlings are doing so far inland?” Aramis took a second before responding. “I hate to say it but, this gives some credence to the rumors and the very reason why we are on this journey.” Aaron remained quiet his arms crossed. Kate continued. “Are we to expect more of them? We nearly lost Tom!” She glanced in his direction. Thomas was midway through the tart, color returning to his face. “Was I wrong to bring him?” Belfast, now looking downward, spoke softly to himself. Kate abruptly turned to him. “Don’t say that! What happened here was a mistake. We won’t allow it to happen again.” Belfast raised his head. He turned his gaze towards the boy. “If we hadn’t noticed… He would… Just like…” This time, Aramis interrupted. “Kate is right, Aaron. Have faith in yourself. He’s perfectly fine, not a scratch on him.” The trio remained in silence for a short while longer. The wind had died and the birds were now quiet.   Finally, Aaron shook his head and let out a sigh. “You’re right. We should get going as well. This delayed us by a bit.” Kate and Aramis both nodded and then turned to Thomas. While Thomas continued to rest, the others prepared the horses including Thomas’s mare. Once everything was ready, they all mounted and set off Northward to Alnexia. Along the way, Aaron stayed close to Thomas. The two continued to talk for the remainder of the journey. Commander Belfast then took a harsher tone. “Once we arrive in Alnexia, while Aramis conducts his business, we will be spending our time in combat training.” Thomas nodded when Kate appeared next to them. “Don’t you worry Tom. We’ll make a proper knight of you yet.”   The sun was now Westbound lying just over the edge of Highwall. The sky was now a beautiful orange with streaking clouds like fire. Aramis gave a shout to grab their attention. “My friends, look forward! I welcome you to the Township of Alnexia!” Standing in front of them, the city’s signature red walls awaited the now tired travelers. By the luck of the gods, the party had managed to arrived before sundown. END

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