Gwurm Species in Myriad: The realm of Terra | World Anvil
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Tread lightly around these parts. Though the Gwurm may kill its prey all too easily, they will gladly take your leg if given the chance. See how well you fair once the swarm has tasted your blood.
  • Chieftain, Cyreen Risenfell
  • Basic Information


    The Gwurm is a serpent-like monster that lives beneath the earth. It is found in the Senholdo Region where swarms of these burrowing creeps will jump from beneath your feet for a quick bite. The Gwurm's body is similar to a long cylinder. The head is, by far, the widest part of its body. From the head, the Gwurm thins out until it reaches the tip of its tail which then splits into a four pronged hook. Running along the back and both sides of the Gwurm are short spines which they use to move quickly beneath the earth. Their bellies are devoid of these spines and is much softer than the hard shell covering its entire body. Finally, the head is the most distinct feature of the Gwurm. In a way, the head consists of one massive mouth. Four malleable flaps act as mandibles and can move independently from one another. Underneath these flaps hide two rows of sharp teeth per flap. Its true mouth lies in the center of the monster and appears to be nothing more than a whole covered with a different set of four pointed flaps hiding more sharpened teeth inside. It may be difficult to see, but the Gwurm does have a pair of eyes found between the topmost outer-flaps of its mouth.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Next to nothing is known about the Gwurm's reproductive cycle. The only accepted theory as of yet is that they lay eggs somewhere deep underground.

    Ecology and Habitats

    The Gwurm has only ever been spotted within the Senholdo Region. Perhaps the unique soil found in the Region is best suited for these pests.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    We know the Gwurm is no stranger to eating meat. That being said, it is believed that the Gwurm may also consume insects found underground as they continuously tunnel through the earth.

    Additional Information

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Primarily found in the Senholdo Region, some few Gwurm sightings have been made just outside the Southern Senholdo border.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Its believed that the Gwurm exhibit an exceptional sensory gland allowing them to fell the vibrations through the earth. This explains their impressive accuracy when suddenly leaping from the earth and attacking its prey.

    Civilization and Culture


    The Gwurms have been around for sometime. Though they are considered monsters, it is possible that these creatures are more animal than we think. Being native to Senholdo, naturally the Namuh people are quite familiar with this specimen. However, all that we could discern from their thoughts on the beast is that it is, indeed, a nuisance.   Concerning the Burroden people, they are not shy to admit their distaste for the land of Senholdo. (Not to be confused for the Namunians) According to the burrowing experts, the though of meeting face to face with a monstrous all-devouring monster deep underground is cause for nightmares. Not to mention the even deadlier cousin of the Gwurm; the Molgwurm. This is explains why the Burrodonians are loathe to venture anywhere near Senholdo.
    Genetic Descendants
    Scientific Name
    Believed to be around 10 years.
    Average Height
    Around 40 cm in diameter.
    Average Weight
    25 Kg.
    Average Length
    Between 1.2 to 2.2 m.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    The Gwurm is primarily a beige to brown color. Their underside is usually a lighter tone resembling a diluted yellow. Meanwhile, the tips of their numerous spines become darker nearest to the tips. Gwurm's are often covered in earth or mud giving them the impression of having strange and abstract patterns all over their body. Finally, their eyes shine in a light green hue.
    Geographic Distribution

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