Doomral ravine Geographic Location in Myriad: The realm of Terra | World Anvil
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Doomral ravine

The Western edge of Terra.


The Doomral ravine begins at the very edge of the Northern border of the Beaukudo Region and ends far to the North in the Tunardun Region. It is an enormous, sudden drop off which separates the world of Terra from a seemingly bare wasteland beyond the Western horizon. The impressive landmark measures an estimated 200 metres in depth and the fissure separating the edges are believed to be no less than 1 kilometre in length. No signs off life have been identified inside the ravine. As mention previously, to the South, the Doomral ravine reaches the border of the Beaukudo Region where the sea even enters the bottom of the pit for a short distance.  To the North, the ravine ends in the Tunardun Region where the fissure is filled with a wall of ice connected to the remarkable Mount Luna Somnum.
Alternative Name(s)
the pit
Gorge / Rift

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