Crystal Lake Geographic Location in Myriad: The realm of Terra | World Anvil
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Crystal Lake

Crystal lake is the second largest lake in all of Terra.


Located near the Northern border of the Atlatoth Region, Crystal lake earns its name due to its clear water and how it shines in the sunlight and moonlight a certain times of the day. Crystal lake serves as the primary source of drinking water for the citizens of Avis' Nidum. No surprise given that the average Soarion can make a round trip within half an hour. Since the lake is situation closer to the North, the water remains cool to the touch making for an excellent way to stay refreshed during the warm seasons but, should stay away during the cold seasons.

Natural Resources

The vast lake holds many types of aquatic plants some of which are a rare commodity. As for its inhabitants, the lake naturally attracts all sorts of animals from the earth and sky. Underneath the surface, we also have a wide variety of fish and amphibious creatures.

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