Irithir Rank/Title in Myjior (OLD) | World Anvil
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What started off as being a title for the emperors of Mandrea in honor of Irithir the Uniter, the name eventually created a bloodline following Irithir III's reign over Mandrea after the fall of the Mandrean Empire in 3650. The following is the Irithi bloodline itself starting with Irithir the Uniter working downwards.
  • Irithir the Uniter (alive from YR 2343 till YR 2397; never ruled; died of self-immolation with no offspring)
  • Irithir II (alive YR 3615 till YR 3651; ruled from 3637-3650; hung by citizens after abdicating the Mandrean crown, and dissolving the Mandrean Empire officially--no offspring)
  • Irithir III (alive YR 3620 till YR 3657; ruled from 3652-3657; died of rock joint, his son taking over after his death--this was a planned 'transition' of power)
  • Irither IV (alive YR 3641 to the present day; ruling since 3657)
The problem with being named/titled "Irithir" is that there is significate weight behind it. Irithir, being the one to slay Urimir the Shadow King twice in his lifetime was a significant force of change, and thus living up to the name proves challenging in of itself. Even though the name is used as a 'right of passage' and a reason for the Mandrean King(s) rule, often it has led to political strife and unrest amongst citizens. Irithir was used as a symbol of Mandrean nationalism, and ever since the fall of the Mandrean Empire, the scars left by it have not fully healed over. Irithir's name and silhouette have been used as signs for nationalist movements throughout Mandrea, and thus someone claiming to be a descendent of Irithir the Uniter is often looked at by nationalists with a skeptical eye. Irithir II was thought to have been a race-traitor, and him abdicating the throne after dissolving the Mandrean Empire was seen as a stab in the back for the 'Mandrean State'.   Current Usage:
Irithir IV's concern is living up to the image of Irithir the Uniter, while not making the same mistakes as his father or Irithir II, and thus lives a very secretive life outside of the political sphere. While not going out of his way to endorse Mandrean nationalists, he knows that speaking out against them would most likely result in him being kidnapped, tortured, or killed.
(The current flag of the Province of Mandrea; the old iconography of Irithir the Uniter was removed and replaced with a hammer and anvil, representing the strength of the Mandrean people. No art credit)
Nobility, Honorific / Ceremonial

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