The Magician's Hat Geographic Location in Myd'raal - The New Earth | World Anvil
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The Magician's Hat

High mountains, lush in young grass... On a mound of ash, sits a small waterfall pouring into a gully shaped like a volcanic cavern, across from it sits a small cave, inside a Magician's Hat shaped mound of earth... Rocky by its nature none would have thought of that...   A place that stood out and made no sense, switching fantasy with reality a home was met, Twisting and turning it was an only slightly off set with a moments notice we began our descent... Still only walking, straight while all twisted about, The Magician's Hat became a fractured den of charades...   The cave went on forever making progress underground... It held itself together, spiralling in sections making rabbit holes... Further on it went stretching space and time into sections... Setting all off-sideways sprawling in all directions, like a maze... We see an old man looking onward, in our general direction... Welcome to the fruits of our labours, a house with no end instead...
Rock Formation

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