Walkers of Darkness: Cult of Morrtennebris: Political Division Organization in Mundus, the World of Steam | World Anvil
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Walkers of Darkness: Cult of Morrtennebris: Political Division


  • Regional Leader - Controls the region and reports to the Country Leader
  • City Leader - Controls and commands the individual cities
  • Bone Knight - More like the Sargent in a military. Commands a small group known as a Shadow Brigade. Comprised of 1-2 Warlocks, Sorcerers, Cleric, and Shadow Knight .
  • Warlocks - Bestowed with great power, they are the power house of the Walker's might. Can take on anything and everyone. Usually not by itself. They are usually with more than one.
  • Clerics - Blessed with Necrotic powers of Death they bestow healing and pain to those who need it. Serving has more medics than actual combatants, but they can defend themselves if needed.
  • Wizards - Those who studied Dark Magic and became twisted, yet not fully corrupted like a Necromancer
  • Shadow Knight / Death Knight Squire - Can make a Shadow version of itself and fight in it's stead. Usually fighyd
  • Cultist - Grunts. Usually used as cannon fauter. Usually posses Minor magic abilities, but they can look like anyone.


Core: Everyone was born evil and should be kept that way Light is the weakest element. Darkness grants powers beyond belief Everyone is welcome     Customs:   Your brother/sister in the cult is blood, as Darkness is the connection between you Your Leaders will tell you what to do You follow your leaders until you die. Death is Greater than being captured Support your brothers/sisters.

Public Agenda

Death to the world and winning the world in the name or Morrtennebris


Anything the members have. However their exact assets are unknown


Started Millennia ago in the War Between Gods and the Dragons.

Darkness is stronger than Steel.

800 Years ago - When the multiverse crumbles

Alternative Names
Shadows of The Light, Dogs of Darknesses
Leader Title

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