Mageblight Condition in Mundus meros (The world undiluted) | World Anvil
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The degradation of the mind from unknown causes which causes forgetfullness at first, but as mageblight progresses the afflicted creature begins to lose its ability to keep short-term memories, thoughts become harder to grasp onto, and the complexity of casting become too difficult for the afflicted to comprehend; thus losing the ability to cast or prepare spells beyond cantrips (as a cantrip is memorized and therefore is not remembered as a short-term memory).


The cause of this is thought to be Natural and has a chance to be gained during the later stages of a caster's life as one ages.


There are only mental symptoms.
  • It begins with forgetfulness.
  • Then usually loss of short-term memory sets in...
  • Followed eventually by a degradation of the mind causing casting to be too complex for the afflicted to understand anymore.


There are no available treatments beyond accepting the inevitable.


While mageblight isnt fatal it is still devastating, a person is still aware of whats happened once the illness has run it's course, and while the afflicted may still know some cantrips; it still has a terrible affect on a persons psyche and mental state.

Affected Groups

While normal beings can be affected by mageblight, it is more common among high densities of casters in a population. More commonly in the older age-groups.

Hosts & Carriers

Intelligent humanoids are the only known carriers of this illness.


The only way to prevent mageblight is to go through means in which you become immune to disease before you become affected.


This condition does not pass onto other hosts, it is a mental illness that only harms the afflicted.

Cultural Reception

People afflicted with mageblight are generally seen with pity by the public, especially among mages and other magic users. There are homes in high magic communities that take care of persons affected by mageblight.
Chronic, Acquired

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