Orc Species in Mundomirum | World Anvil
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"Napad!" shouted the Great Orc as he lead his troops into battle "Attack!" As they breached the defences off the coast of Tsvergan the dwarfs fled in panic. Nothing could stop them. BANG! What was that? he thought as a dwarven propellor plane released a bomb directly above him.

Basic Information


Orcs are giant, bulky, humanoid creatures that have abnormally wide shoulders. They are incredibly strong and are a force to be reckoned with. Their hairless bodies are wrinkled and grey whilst their tongues are an ominous black.

Genetics and Reproduction

The gestation period of an Orc is 19 months, not that far off than that of an elephant.

Growth Rate & Stages

An orc will stand up about a day after it's born will never cease to grow. They grow about 4cm a year and a born at 50cm. This means a seventy year old orc is 3.3m tall.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs live in desolate wastelands where they feed off their fellow orcs' misery.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs, who feed off other beings' misery, only need consume 20 minutes worth of misery a day however when isolated in Koboldia, this can be very hard to come by.

Biological Cycle

Orcs hibernate during summer when they are most happy and so do not get as much food.

Additional Information

Social Structure

All orcs worship the Great Orc - the strongest orc that lives. Their social structure is similar to that of chimpanzees or gorillas with an alpha male and then a hierarchy based on strength.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They were commonly found in Orckos until the Great Purge of 5781 where the dwarfs all but eradicated the population of Orckos.

Average Intelligence

Orcs are stupid. They have the level of an untrained elven mage and couldn't get a question correct in the Great Test.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs have terrible sight and rubbish hearing. Their ears are merely holes in the sides of their heads whilst their eyes are almost complete covered by their ugly brows. Their smell is far from perfect as their nostrils are slits on their noseless head.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Orcs are primitive and could only muster the brainpower to level that of a caveman.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak Ulertezina which is an offshoot of the banshees' Apurbatulergarriak.
Scientific Name
  • Animalia
  • Chordata
  • Mammalia
  • Magiciales
  • Ebainimlikidae
  • Jewco Jeyan
Conservation Status
Critically Endangered
Average Height
Average Weight

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