Light Elf Ethnicity in Mundomirum | World Anvil
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Light Elf

The 'good' elves of Koboldia; those who practise interesting, fun and only occasionally harmful magic.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Echizia
  • Bwenia
  • Salutema
  • Nettia
  • Agradablia
  • Vigoria

Masculine names

  • Echits
  • Bwenon
  • Saluten
  • Nettan
  • Agradabios
  • Vigori

Family names

  • Lux
  • Amet
  • Ludera
  • Ligero
  • Dibertido
  • Yugara


Major language groups and dialects

Light elves generally speak the 'ligero' form of elvish however some can speak the 'oscuro' form as well.

Average technological level

Elves are only moderately technological and focus more on magic and the arts.

Common Etiquette rules

Elves are polite and are similar to humans in their etiquette.

Common Dress code

Male elves wear a tunic and trousers whilst those in a magical profession wear a robe of their magical speciality's colour over the top. On formal occasions male elves wear a coded cloak of which colour denotes rank. They range from black which is that of a low elf through brown, yellow, green, purple up to blue which only the royal family and high dukes and duchesses may wear. Female elves wear the same as men when hunting however on formal occasions they wear long flowing dresses that are coloured to match their rank. A married couple may wear the higher elves colour.

Art & Architecture

Light elves build grand cities often coloured blue and purple t match the two highest rank. The buildings are spectacular due to the fact elves can make building float.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Elves celebrate the passing of winter on the 27th of Fiozenos, the last day of the year.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Elves go through a ceremony called 'Nacimentio' 27 days (one month) after they are born. This involves submerging an elf in pure light magic therefore making it aware of magic for as long as hey can remember.

Coming of Age Rites

Light elves celebrate their 16th birthday as most elves are fully grown they legally become adults and are free to vote and run for election among other things.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Elves burry the dead with other family members however a big deal is not made out of it.

Common Taboos

All through the Great War of the elves and the dwarfs, elves would not speak of their short enemies however when Magnia Dux united the two sides this taboo was broken.

Common Myths and Legends

Most elves believe in the legend of Tiempia de Pasar who wrote down the first book in Ligero thus creating the language and establishing the elves as a race.

Historical figures

Sed Serrelius was a major light elf as he predicted the coming of the Great Leader.


Beauty Ideals

Light elves generally find height attractive. The taller the elf, the more appealing they are to potential partners. Elves also consider long light hair beautiful as well as blue eyes over green or brown. Hair that is loosely tied back is generally considered prettier whilst braided hair is more dwarfish.

Gender Ideals

Both genders are equal and elves can achieve equal positions whatever the gender. Normally however, women are hunters and guards whilst men are politicians and are involved in business.

Relationship Ideals

Light elves aspire to be with a partner for life. They generally prefer to stay with a partner from a young age. Elves like happy equal marriages that are fun. Light elves only ever have one or two children.
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species

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