Time and Light in Mouse Guard Abroad | World Anvil
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Time and Light

The Grind

  Every fourth turn during the adventure phase, all characters earn a condition. If your character has no other conditions, you suffer the hungry and thirsty condition. If your character is already hungry and thirsty, then you take the exhausted condition. If you’re already exhausted and hungry, take the angry condition. If you’re already angry, exhausted and hungry, you become sick. If you’re already angry, exhausted, hungry and sick, you suffer an injury. If you’re angry, exhausted, hungry, sick and injured, you’re madeafraid. If those six conditions are checked on the fourth turn, your character dies—you unceremoniously drop dead from exhaustion.   Note that these conditions are imposed in a different order than on the character sheet to better refl ect the grind of this kind of life. And to keep you on your toes.  


  Adventurers must have light to explore dark places—nightplagued valleys, dank caves and dark dungeons. In the game, light is a resource that extends to a certain number of characters per source and is expended over time.    Light Sources  There are three types of light sources referred to in the game: candles, torches and lanterns. Each provides light for a number of characters and lasts for a number of turns in the adventure phase.   Candles provide light for one character and last for four turns. Torches provide light for two characters and last two turns. Lanterns provide light for three characters and last three turns.  



Dim Light

  Characters not completely covered by light or darkness are considered to be in dim light. Dim light counts as a factor in all tests (increasing any obstacle by one) except riddling.    Candles create dim light for one additional character. Torches create dim light for two. Lanterns create dim light for three.  


  There can be no light without darkness. When below ground or acting at night, characters must have a light source to be able to function. In darkness, characters cannot read or draw and thus make Cartography or Scholar tests—or map in any way. When in darkness, you may only fl ee, riddle or argue if engaged in a confl ict.   Darkness is a factor in all tests except riddling.  

Camp Light

  When you make camp, we assume you make a fi re (which provides light like a lantern). In general, this should be enough, even if you have more than three in your group. You’d only add light if something happened during camp that required more illumination. If you require more light in camp, make a Survivalist test to collect the provisions.    Otherwise, light sources are not consumed during camp.  

Tossing the Torch

  Dropping a torch (to free up a hand) provides dim light for two characters, while everyone else is considered in darkness. If a torch is tossed to the ground, the GM may snuff it at his whim—regardless of or in addition to other results.  

Setting Down the Lantern

  Characters with a lantern in hand may set it down at any time to use their hands. Once it’s down, it counts as dim light for three people. If a confl ict erupts, the GM may decide the lantern is kicked over in the fray and doused at any time— regardless or in addition to any other results.  
Light Sources Effects
Type Light Dim Lasts Notes
Candle 1 person 1 person 4 turns Candles may be snuffed or blown out at the discretion of the GM regardless of or in addition to other results
Torch 2 people 2 people 2 turns Torches may be used as weapons. No bonus. May be snuffed if dropped or as a twist.
Lantern 3 people 3 people 3 turns Requires a flask of oil as fuel. Provides only dim light if set down. Doused as a twist.
Darkness You cannot read or draw your map and thus cannot make Cartography or Scholar tests. You may only flee, riddle or argue if engaged in a conflict. And darkness is a factor in all tests except riddling.
Dim Light Characters near a light source but not covered by it are in dim light. Dim light counts as a factor in all tests except riddling.

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Cover image: by Simon Edge


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