Devilish Laughter Spell in Mouse Guard Abroad | World Anvil
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Devilish Laughter

Speaking an incantation between teeth locked in a toothy smile, the caster causes his victim to be seized with horrible, uncontrollable laughter.
  • Lore Master Ob to learn: 4
  • Scholar Ob to scribe as a scroll: 3
  • Scholar Ob to scribe into traveling spell book: 3




Outside of a conflict, the target can take no actions other than to laugh for one turn, though it may oppose attempts to harm it. Within a trick, riddle, chase, or drive off conflict, the spell replaces Feint action ability or skill.

Side/Secondary Effects

This spell causes a versus test against the target’s Will (or Nature for monsters) to incapacitate. When casting this spell in a trick, riddle, chase or drive off conflict, Arcanist replaces the Feint action skill.

Material Components
The tongue of a hyena or woodpecker.
Effect Duration
One turn outside of conflict, one action in conflict

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Cover image: by Simon Edge


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