Camp in Mouse Guard Abroad | World Anvil
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Making Camp

  You and your mates can camp at any time so long as:
  • You have at least one check among you.
  • You are not in a confl ict or immediate peril.
  • You have a place to rest.

Camp Type

There are three types of camp: a typical camp, an unsafe camp and a dangerous camp.   There are two general areas in which you can make camp: the wild and underground.   When you wish to make camp, the location is usually selfevident based on your environment: either you’re above ground or you’re under it. If you’re staying at the mouth of a cave, taking shelter from the elements, that’s usually a wilderness camp. But if you’re completely enclosed, that’s an underground camp.  

Typical, Unsafe and Dangerous Camp

  The GM decides what type of camp you’re in based on a few elements:
  • The area and its inhabitants
  • The unpredictability of the weather or other similar activity (like earthquakes or fl ooding)
  • Your proximity to monsters, goblins and beasts— known or unknown
  • The type of scouting and precautions you took setting up your camp, and any amenities which you have found or constructed
  This is a pure judgement call by the GM. Most camps will be “typical” for their location. But if the GM feels you’re close to a patrol route, that’s unsafe. If you’re out in the weather, that’s unsafe. If you’re camping in crumbling, undead-infested ruins, that’s dangerous.  

Roll for Camp Events

At the beginning of each camp phase, before spending checks, the GM rolls 2d6 on the appropriate Camp Events table.  

Camp Roll Bonuses

You earn a +1 bonus to this roll if you’ve used the Survivalist skill to fi nd a suitable site or to try to make the camp more hospitable, or if you are an elf with the Wilder benefit. Only one bonus applies.  

Safe Camp Results

If you roll a safe camp, there are no further events at camp. Players spend checks as normal. If any other result is rolled, consult the subchart for that camp type.  

Disaster Results

Disaster results force you to break camp immediately. You may not rest and all checks are lost.  

Inconvenience or Break

Use other results as inspiration and relief for the trials in the camp.  

Pop Quiz

The individual camp events leave a lot of room for interpretation. When something odd comes up, roll with it. It’s the GM’s job to call for tests or single out victims of calamity and sort through the chaos.  

Camp Strategy

When you enter camp, take a deep breath and zoom out a bit. Discuss your conditions, your checks and any other circumstances. Make a plan for how to best deal with your situation. Then tell the GM what your character does so you can roll some dice.  

Spending Checks

Checks are spent in the camp phase to recover, reequip and rest. Each test costs one check. You may also spend a check to initiate a confl ict with a fellow adventurer.   Spend your checks to recover, improve your camp, find food and water, draw a map, make tools, research or read books, debate a course of action, create scrolls, pray or other acts that may be accomplished in and around camp.  
  • You cannot spend checks to explore or fight monsters.
  • You may not make two tests in a row in camp.
  • You may share checks with another player.

Unspent Checks

Any unused checks are lost at the end of the camp phase.  

Camp Instincts

Using an Instinct in camp does not cost a check.  

Camp Traits

You can use your traits to help yourself in camp. You cannot use your traits to hinder yourself and earn checks while in camp.  

Spells and Prayers in Camp

Spells and prayers do not require a check to cast in camp.  

Rememorizing Spells and Prayers

Magicians and elves automatically rememorize spells at the very end of camp after all checks are spent. Clerics do the same, but must test Theologian to do so. See the Magic & Miracles chapter for details. If camp is aborted due to a disaster, no spells or prayers are rememorized.  

Breaking Camp

Players break camp as soon as their checks are expended or discarded. The GM takes over and the adventure phase recommences. If returning to the adventure, the GM should have an encounter or problem prepared.  

Camp Resets Turn Count

  Time does not pass in turns during camp. The turn count resets in camp, starting at 1 for the next adventure phase  

Camp Events

Typical Wilderness Camp
2 Disaster
3-6 Minor Inconvenience
7-9 Safe Camp
10-11 Minor Break
12 Lucky Break
Typical Underground Camp
2 Disaster
3-7 Minor Inconvenience
8-10 Safe Camp
11 Minor Break
12 Lucky Break
Unsafe Wilderness Camp
2 Disaster
3-7 Minor Inconvenience
8-10 Safe Camp
11 Minor Break
12 Lucky Break
Unsafe Underground Camp
2 Disaster
3-8 Minor Inconvenience
9-11 Safe Camp
12 Minor Break
Dangerous Wilderness Camp
2-3 Disaster
4-8 Minor Inconvenience
9-11 Safe Camp
12 Minor Break
Dangerous Underground Camp
2-4 Disaster
5-8 Minor Inconvenience
9-12 Safe Camp

Underground Camp Events: Natural Cave

  Use these events if the camp is in natural underground caves.  
Natural Cave Disasters
1-2 Cave-in. Run. One adjacent area obliterated.
3 Torrential rain on the surface causes fl ood
4-5 Foul air (must escape or risk asphyxiation)
6 Monster/predator attack
Natural Cave Minor Inconvenience
1 Extreme cold (or heat in hot caves) makes you uncomfortable; increase the obstacle of all tests in camp by one, including recovery
2 Lose your bearings while you rest (Cartographer roll required to get back on track).
3-4 Water soaks clothing and gear; no recovery from exhausted allowed
5 The tight space and weight of the rock above starts to get to you (+1 Ob to get rid of afraid).
6 One PC breaks a piece of equipment (roll randomly for PC and equipment)
Natural Cave Minor Break
1 Stumble upon a cache of torches left by previous explorers. Roll d6 for amount.
2 Edible fungi stretches your food supply (+1D to Cook tests)
3-4 The site you pick is dry and comfortable (+1D to recover from exhausted)
5-6 The site has magnificent speleothems (draperies, curtains, stalactites, stalagmites, cave crystals, etc.) to look at (+1D to recover from angry or afraid)
Natural Cave Lucky Break
1-2 Find enough edible fungi to sate your hunger
3 Find the bones of a less fortunate explorer together with a semi-accurate map of the cave complex. Add to your map using the “transmitted from notes” factor for Cartography.
4-5 Stumble upon a cache of treasure. Roll on Loot treasure table.
6 Find a naturally occurring basin of water with healing properties (+1D to recover from sick or injured, enough for 3 doses)

Underground Camp Events: Dungeon

  Use these events if the camp is underground but in a constructed environment—whether in ruins or not  
Dungeon Disasters
1 Roof or fl oor collapses. All are injured
2 The inviting place you’ve picked to camp is actually a death trap. Flee for your lives. Mark as impassable
3-6 Monsters attack! (an organized patrol, beasts or swarms of carnivorous vermin).
Dungeon Minor Inconvenience
1 Food gets damp and infested with mould, spoil food for one character.
2 Surrounded by filth and waste left by vermin and monsters (+1 Ob to recover from sick).
3 Your fl asks leak and spill your oil or holy water.
4 A monster is drawn by the commotion of your camp (make one test to drive it away)
5 You manage to disturb a thick layer of dust while setting camp (+1 Ob to recover from exhausted due to coughing).
6 You’ve worn a hole in your pack and lost some equipment (roll randomly for a character; that character loses the object in the bottom-most slot of the backpack or satchel).
Dungeon Minor Break
1 The site you pick has a ready source of potable water (a well, broken pipe or a basin formed by seepage).
2 You’re able to thoroughly secure the entrances to your camp, making you feel at ease (+1D to recover from exhausted or afraid)
3 Find a clue about something deeper in the dungeon (something scratched into a wall, an old journal, strange acoustics let you hear dungeon denizens conversing, discover a beast’s spoor, etc.)
4 You find an old leather pouch with coins of various provenance (1D gold coins, pack 1).
5 A patch of glowing fungi grows here. There are 1d6 stalks. Each stalk counts as a candle if picked.
6 You find a serviceable piece of gear (1-2 gear, 3-4 armor, 5-6 weapon, GM’s choice of specific item).
Dungeon Lucky Break
1 You find a secret entrance into another section of the dungeon.
2 You find a prisoner, bound and gagged in this area
3 You discover the entrance to a lost sunken temple to the goddess of life. Heal sick or injured automatically.
4 One of the fl agstones is loose, beneath it you fi nd treasure! Roll on the Loot Treasure table.
5 Wiping away the dust in this room, you find etchings. Roll on the Loot Knowledge table
6 A skeleton lies in a heap in the corner, he’s clutching something. Roll on the Loot Magical Stuff table

Wilderness Camp Events

  Use these events when out in the wild  
Wilderness Disaster
1 Evil weather
2 A tree (or rock) falls. It nearly kills you and destroys your campsite. Spend all night digging your gear out.
3 Horrid smell issues forth from ground during the night. It’s unbearable. You must move.
4 Swarm of biting insects chases you from camp.
5 Wildfire. Run.
6 Monsters, goblins or beasts attack
Wilderness Minor Inconvenience
1 No clean water source to be found
2 Lose your bearings while you rest (Pathfinder or Cartographer roll required to get back on track).
3-4 Food gets damp and infested with mould, spoil food for one character.
5 All of this open space gets to you, there’s nowhere to hide (increase recovery obstacles for angry and afraid by one for one character).
6 One character breaks a piece of equipment (roll randomly for character and equipment).
Wilderness Minor Break
1 The site has majestic views (+1D to next Pathfinder or Cartographer test).
2 Verdant wilderness (+1D to Hunter, Scavenger tests).
3-4 The site you pick is sheltered from the wind and weather (+1D to recover from exhausted)
5-6 Site has fresh water supply.
Wilderness Lucky Break
1-2 Find a patch of edible plants (counts as one portion of forage for all characters).
3-4 Find an easy trail (+2D to next Pathfinder or Scout test).
5 Meet a helpful fellow wanderer.
6 Find a circle of standing stones or faerie ring (automatically recover from angry and afraid)

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Cover image: by Simon Edge


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