Rider Stables Settlement in Motorsport | World Anvil
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Rider Stables

WMC   The main campus of the WMC is fronted on the east by a huge lawn with trees at the front and some bushes and benches under the trees. There is a small parking lot across the street for walk in visitors. There is a 2 block(Mission st sized) drive to the office building. Parking is around to the north. There is a small parking structure.   The office building is for administration, guest quarters for match trainees, and meetings. It has the usual office facilities. Mail room, break room, maintenance and housekeeping closets, an electrical room, places where all the plumbing goes, an elevator shaft and ventilation.   The main stable is a building with two wings. The kart/mini bike track is in the center wing, with separate ventilation from everything else. The medical center (with the loading bay) is at the farthest point north, towards the office. The mess hall is on the floor above the kart track, the gyms and recreation areas above that. In the second wing, only one section of which, which consists of training rooms and offices for the matches, is above ground, the Riders live.   They are arranged in layers, and these extend under the center wing, but are unconnected except by ground level walks. There are 3 levels. The foals’ and nursery wings are in two parallel wings on the first basement level, in nearest proximity to the big recreation area in the center wing. The unmatched adults are in two more parallel wings on the next level and the matched Riders have the lowest level.   West, behind the office from the front street, is the garage. A parking garage for the staff, practice bikes, the stable vehicles, the motorhomes for the Riders. South of this is the maintenance shops,   The far side of the office and the parking garage has the WMC’s wall, though it’s rarely been used, most Riders have lived from the day they are found to the day of the Grand Tour.   There is a big grip track and a big motocross track and a big flat track. There is an outdoor kart/mini-bike track and beginners and intermediate tracks separate from the main tracks, but there are various routes and lines available on each track to adjust difficulty.

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Cover image: WMC Logo Narrow


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